Why Should I Have an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

Why Should I Have an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

There are many reasons to implement an Environmental Management System (EMS), and to gain the credibility that comes with certification to the ISO 14001 standard:

? Financial savings

? Compliance assurance

? Improved environmental performance

? Meeting customer requirements

? Knowledge transfer

? Enhanced reputation

Companies that have an effective EMS are less likely to have issues with compliance, are more likely to save money, and enjoy the reputational benefits that come with having the ISO certification stamp of approval.

Save Money

All of the benefits listed here, individually and combined, can result in financial savings through:

? Reduced fines and penalties from compliance violations

? Reduced costs for waste disposal, discharges, emissions and utility bills

? Improved customer relations

? Transfer of knowledge base during personnel changes

? The goodwill that comes with an enhanced reputation

Assure Compliance

Systematically identifying compliance obligations and recording them in a legal register is an important foundation for your EMS. Start with an applicability review of potentially relevant regulations and determine which apply, which do not and why. Then pull out the actionable requirements (inspections, training, submittals, plans, records requirements) and put systems in place to make sure they are implemented. Be sure and review the legal register on a regular basis and update it with any new information from regulators and other interested parties.

Improve Environmental Performance

Setting objectives to meet requirements to reduce the amount of waste disposed in landfills, pollutants discharged to water bodies, emissions to the air and energy usage can help reduce the organization’s environmental footprint. These reductions often result in financial savings as well, whether directly through lower disposal or electricity costs, for example, or indirectly through the lower costs of compliance that come with reduced permitting and planning requirements.

Meet Customer Requirements

Many companies, such as automotive manufacturers and some energy companies, require that vendors have a certified ISO 14001 system in order to do business with them. They recognize that certified organizations are less likely to have environmental issues that reflect negatively on them and their customers.

Document Systems

When employees leave or transfer, there can be gaps in coverage that result in fines or penalties at worst, and confusion and loss of productivity at best. These gaps are eliminated through an effective and well documented EMS.

Add Reputational Credibility

A certain credibility accompanies the holder of an ISO certification. Because the company is held accountable not only to the requirements of the standard, but also their own requirements, stakeholders can expect a higher level of diligence and performance from these companies.


Whether you just build your EMS, or also certify it, there will be real, tangible benefits for your business. Need help? See our ISO Help Store at: kristianssonllc.com/shop.


https://www.kristianssonllc.com                            ? 2020 Joyce A. Kristiansson


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