Why Should I Get Involved?
Regina L Floyd
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Why Should I Get Involved, My children are grown?
I've asked myself this question numerous times. It's easier to just do nothing than to commit to something that makes you uncomfortable!
This picture you see above is my son (severe Hemophilia) when he was a baby (probably 1-2 years old). He is 27 now.
My daughter ( Mild Hemophilia) is 15 with no issues ????
This picture is when I first met her in Penza Russia in 2003 when I went to formally accept her to adopt her. We were matched because of Hemophilia.
Reality is, my grandchildren, or great grandchildren will likely be affected by a bleeding disorder in their future - it's genetic. ?? I like to think that the efforts I make now will benefit my future family members, maybe in finally finding a cure.
And then, there are the many families I don't even know that need someone to advocate for education, legislation, and funds to help them.
On Saturday August 4th, I'm organizing a walk here on Kauai that coincides with our Hawaii Chapter of NHF walk on Oahu for our annual #Uniteforbleedingdisorders annual NHF (National Hemophilia Foundation) walk.
I am asking for support! I may have bit off more than I can chew in pledging $1000 goal - I'm at $370 now.
Will you come walk with us and possibly give a little to our cause?? You don't have to know the faces of the people you support in a cause. You might meet them at the walk though.
~We are walking to increase awareness so others learn about our cause.
~We are walking to raise funds for education
~We are walking to fight for legislation to protect our children
~We are walking to raise funds to help our local chapter do all these things for the many island families without charging families for the help
I live on Kauai and there are only a few families here on the island. When I first moved here, I thought my daughter might be the only one and that was a lonely feeling. Our Hemophilia Treatment Center and Hematologist is on Oahu as well as our chapter.
Fortunately, I met the other families on our island and knew we weren't alone. As will any childhood disease or disorder, there is a unique bond when you understand what a family goes through on a daily basis.
The school nurses didn't have a lot of experience with Hemophilia, but they heard about it and were eager to know more to ensure my daughter was safe at school. (education materials come in handy here but they cost money to print)
If you are willing to support a cause you may have never heard anything about, please join us Saturday, August 4th 8 am at Lydgate State Park
You can join Team Floyd Here: https://bit.ly/unitewalk18
I've created a Facebook Event here: https://bit.ly/KauaiUniteWalk
or you can find a team and support a chapter where you live if you are no where near Hawaii (same link and search)
Can't walk- we gladly accept donations - no amount too small - it all adds up.
Mahalo Nui Loa in advance for any support (walking or otherwise)
Regina & Irina Floyd