Why should employees seek therapy/counselling

Why should employees seek therapy/counselling

Do you work in a company??If yes, then you would want to know about this.

Do you know a company cannot just function properly with the employer or the one who started the business, he/she would need a team with full dedication and efficiency to help the former take the company to achieve all the goals to ultimate success. This is only possible when the company's employees are educated, efficient, hardworking, and healthy so that each employee can give their best.

?Now when I say healthy I mean physically, socially, and mentally. In usual times the employer gets a thorough check on the employees' physical and social health but they don't pay enough attention to the latter's mental health.?

An individual's mental health is very important for him/her to give their best performance in any field but in addition, an employee's mental is super important because it will not just help them give their best performance it will also benefit the company in many ways

And so for these reasons the term Employee Counseling has come in use. The company will give equal importance to the employees' mental health and in case of any trouble provide help after communicating with a professional.?

Well, this is a well-known fact that every company has a team of specialists who have experience in handling human resources or employees, with the help of the human resource management team the company takes care of the mental health of the employees and provides care if necessary.


When do we need Employee Counseling?

Employee counseling can be used in various situations -

●??????When it is seen that the employee’s performance is not as usual then they can be given performance counselling.

●??????When it is seen that the employee is not following the rules and regulations of the organization like wearing informal clothes, reaching late, or disturbing colleagues leading to a decrease in performance.

●???????Helping the employee deal with any personal issue because their performance has reduced.

●??????Employee counselling can also be used to help manage stress in the workplace.

(How to Conduct Proper Employee Counseling in the Workplace, 2020)


Why do employees need therapy/ counseling?

Each and every employee in the company is going through some problems at some point in time, it can be some personal issue, stress, or any other problem. Getting another perspective from someone who would view their problems neutrally and without judging will help them ease that problem. Taking second opinions from someone would help them feel confident with the decision they are taking and with the confidence and reduction of stress their focus and attention on their work would reach optimum, ultimately benefiting the company.



How to Conduct Proper Employee Counseling in the Workplace. (2020, June 19). Nurture an Engaged and Satisfied Workforce | Vantage Circle HR Blog. https://blog.vantagecircle.com/employee-counseling/

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