Why is Shanghai in Such a Hurry to Have Waste Sorting?
Ann Wong

Why is Shanghai in Such a Hurry to Have Waste Sorting?

These days, the topic of Shanghai waste sorting,

Frequently dominates the hot search list.

In addition to Shanghai, 46 big cities such as Beijing are about to catch up

There was a lot of discussion,

There's teasing, there's complaining, there's supporting,

There are even objections, but most of them are:

I'm in favor of waste sorting,

But do not approve of too quick a step in place.


To be sure, when Shanghai began to separate its waste,

Most people don't fit in,

That used to deal with wastes just a garbage bag,

But now it's going to be added to four or more.

All the bottles after drinking should be washed and sorted.

For those of us who are already used to it,

It's inconvenient.


But come to think it over,

If waste sorting is already the trend,

Why is Shanghai in such a hurry to sort waste?

If you're not sure, take a look at the following.


We humans don't have much time!!!


01 The Arctic has declared an emergency, and the polar bear is about to become a legend...

A few days ago, Hong Kong Star Shawn Yue,

Posted a video on Instagram, one of social network.


The short video but instantly slammed our hearts.

In the video, a few fluffy white creatures are struggling to find something,

In a mountain of wastes.


The polar bears was covered in dirt in the video.

They are rummaging through the wastes for something to eat.

It's easy to see how thin and bony the polar bears are,

But they should be white and fat.

But it is not one.

It's a crowd.


Polar bears are not social animals.

But so many bears come together to the same garbage dump.

What does that mean?

It means they really can't find any food in nature!

If they could talk,

Will they also want to be like humans in the famine?

Tell each other:

"There is food here! This is where humans keep their food! "


But even as they gather to rummage through the garbage,

Judging by the bone structure of their body,

They couldn't find anything to eat.

They walk slowly through the garbage dump,

The nearby icebergs have already melted.

They have to rummage through garbage cans for food,

And temporarily maintain their lives.


Rummaging through garbage cans over and over again.

Dragging their weak bodies,

Even if eating garbage, it is difficult to fill their own stomach.


They bury their desperate heads in the garbage,

Helpless eyes, thin and bony bodies.

This is still our impression,

The cuddly polar bears?


02 The Arctic Pole-a floating dump

These bony polar bears are found,

On the icy shores of the Svalbard Archipelago in the Arctic Circle.

It is part of Norway, on the edge of the Arctic Ocean,

Which a remote archipelago between Greenland and the mainland.


But it is just such an inaccessible island.

Nor did it escape the misfortune of environmental pollution.

The Svalbard is hundreds of kilometers from the continent,

The Svalbard "Doomsday" Seed Vault,

That preserves human hopes, is also built here.

If even this place is contaminated,

Our hopes really don't know where else to be buried.


Such a remote island is supposed to be the least affected by human activity.

Now it has become the world's dumping ground.

Like Norway and northern Russia,

Some sea areas have even become the sea of plastic waste.

It's been calculated that plastic waste in the Arctic Ocean,

Has grown almost by 20 times in just 10 years.

In one area, the amount of waste has been from,

346 pieces per square kilometer,

To 6,333 pieces per square kilometer in 10 years.


Scientists have found a huge amount of waste on the shores of the Arctic Ocean,

Including the daily use of plastic bottles, cotton swabs, cigarette butts, wet tissue and so on.

At the same time, the research team also took samples and found,

There are large quantities of floating plastic particles in the Arctic Ocean,

Some fragments can even come from very far away.


It is not just the polar bears, the large animal that are in danger,

Birds, fish, mammals, etc.

Are under great threat in this environment.

Along with the Arctic's changing climate and melting ice caps,

Endangering life in the Arctic.


A scientific research team from the UK,

“Waste” that created by every person on the planet,

It's all accounted for, even the sediments below the surface.

The final result is 30 trillion tons.


Outside of the Arctic, garbage is everywhere.

On the world's highest peak-Mount Everest,

70,000 to 100,000 tourists flock to the base camp every year.

They leave 12 tons of shit,

Tons of garbage and dead bodies behind.

In 2018 alone, the Tibet organized the cleanup,

8.4 tons of garbage above 5,200 meters,

335 tons of transfer waste below 5200 meters!

Were contaminated with plastic waste,

No one in the world is immune.


Since then, the beautiful Mount Everest has imposed a permanent ban on mankind.

Because the top of the world is losing its beauty,

Losing her life.


03 In the world's deepest trench

According to The Royal Society,

A new scientific study published in the February 27 issue of the Journal,

Plastics have filled the deepest parts of the world’s trenches.

It's a strong indication that,

There is no marine ecosystems that have not been contaminated by plastics.


According to the United Nations Environment Programme estimates,

More than 6.4 million tons of garbage enter the ocean every year.

80% of marine wastes comes from land.

And in the land wastes,

The largest proportion is food packaging and plastic bags.

The other 20% comes from maritime activities,

Such as garbage discarded on cruise ships, abandoned fishing nets and so on.


Illulissat coast of Greenland

According to National Geographic,

There are 51 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean.

90% of the ocean's plastics are microscopic,

And scientists liken them to a “soup”.


The ocean, this amazing world,

Being polluted by humans at an alarming rate...

Humans have faced with many choices:

Between the economy and nature, we choose to turn a blind eye to environmental protection

Shrewd human choose,

The current comfort and convenience, choosing to ignore.


It's the same thing.

Photographed by an Internet user from Bali, Indonesia,

A scene gets a lot of discussions,

The resort paradise, after a storm,

Become the hell on earth.


After the storm,

All the plastic wastes are blown on to the coast.

The dense white pollution makes the scalp tingle.

It's incredible compared to what it was like before the storm.

Original coast


According to the Bali Environmental Protection Agency date,

Bali produces 3,800 tons of waste every day.

Only 60% of them end up in landfills, and the rest end up in the sea.

Nearly 50 tons of garbage are washed up on the coast every day.

That's more than 10 times the capacity of the island itself.


These piled up plastic wastes,

They are made up of plastic bottles thrown away by humans.

We don't know when, the beach edge of this island,

But covered in piles of garbage.


It is the human being that destroys the island's Ecology.

Garbage is washed towards to the sea.

When heavy rain or storms occur,

Thousands of tons of garbage will swallow up the beach,

Then there will be a stunning scene above.


04 Their world is falling apart...

The problem of marine pollution is getting worse.

One of the main sources of pollution is plastic!


Nearly 300 million tons of plastic wastes are produced each year worldwide.

Up to 12 million tons of them enters the Ocean.


At least 1 Billion marine organisms DIES,

Because of plastic bags usage every year.


According to the UN date,

Nearly 13 million tons of plastic wastes in the ocean near Australia,

1 million seabirds and over 100,000 marine mammals die each year


Last summer,

A whale is dying on the beach in southern Thailand.

After 5 days of emergency treatment,

The whale managed to spit out 5 plastic bags,

-- Declared dead.


The staff dissected its body,

Can’t stop crying.

They found in the belly of the whale,

More than 80 black plastic bags.

These plastic bags weighed up to 8 kg!


We can't imagine,

How difficult it is to breathe after eating plastic bag,

How desperate it is before the death of his infected body.

A while back, in Indonesia,

Another dead whale,

After dissection, it was discovered,

The plastic bags and bottles in its belly,

More than 200.


Isle of Skye, UK

There was also a whale that ran aground and died.

The researchers dissected its body,

Found in its stomach,

4 kg of plastic garbage!


Norwegian zoologist,

Dissected in the stomach of a beached whale,

A whale surrounded by more than 30 plastic bags,

Almost no fat at all,

Its stomach and intestines were clogged with all kinds of garbage.


Turtles trapped by fishing nets.


A seal that was ripped apart by a nylon rope.


Bird’s mother feed her baby by mistake plastic for food.


Seagull suffocated by a plastic bag.


A tearful seal strangled by a steel wire.


Dead sea turtles by eating plastic.


Large quantities of plastic bags, bamboo poles, pots and bottles float in the Ocean,

Even submerge the fish's habitat,

Captured the freedom that should belong to the sea creatures.


About 4-12 million tons of plastic swept into the sea by the waves in 2010,

Among them, plastic waste takes 400 years, even longer to degrade.

Where did all the garbage go?


05 The garbage returns to the human body

Researchers at the University of Vienna pointed out,

It is estimated to be found in the body more than half of the world's population,

-- Plastic Particles.

Known as the "ocean PM2.5", the fine particle size throughout the ocean,

Less than 2 mm in diameter, invisible to the naked eye, and huge number,

5 trillion plastic particles in the ocean.

Weighs up to 270,000 tons, easily ingested by marine creatures.

Microplastics, from the coast to the ocean, from the surface to the deep,

Found even in the unfrequented Arctic and Antarctic.


You thought you were safe.

In fact, you are like those sea creatures.

They have whole pieces of plastic in their stomach.

But, you have plastic particles in your system.


Someone will wonder: I didn't eat plastic,

Why are there plastic particles in the body?

The answer is simple.

You still don’t know what you eat.

Back in 2017,

Some scientists have found plastic particles in microbes.


"Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, and shrimp eat mud."

Mud is where the microbes gather.

It is the cycle, not only the fish,

More than 200 species of turtles, whales and birds,

They all ingested plastic particles in varying degrees.

From what we throw away,

Go back to our stomachs again,

Plastics complete a perfect cycle along the biological chain.


Some people will say: I do not eat seafood. Do I become a vegetarian?

You thought simply.

It will use water, and it will add salt,

But our water and salt are already contaminated.

A few years ago, researchers discovered the plastic ingredient in table salt.

And according to the latest research,

More than 90% of the world's table salt brands,

Detected positive for plastic particles,

Including refined rock salt from the supermarket.


Water is no exception.

In the world's tap water,

83% were detected to contain microplastics,

94%, the highest content in the United States,

72%, the lowest in Europe.

In this way, plastic particles,

Enter our bodies in a variety of ways.

The bitter fruit of environmental degradation is swallowed by human beings.

They can't be digested and can't be degraded.

Only accumulate in our body.


06 This is not only the battle of China, but also the battle for the world.

Once the ecology has been completely destroyed,

The damage will be permanent.

Once your health is at stake, everything is meaningless.

Protecting ecology and paying attention to environmental protection is not only to save endangered nature,

It is human self-help.

Change. It's time to start.

Like "Mandatory Waste Sorting",

The war is opening up in Shanghai.

But this is not just a war that Shanghai people must win.

This is still a battle for all Chinese.


Shanghai began waste sorting on July 1, 2019

Recyclables, hazardous waste, wet waste, dry waste...

Every kind of garbage must be clearly divided.

All of a sudden, the Internet has set off waves,

The voices of complaint and discontent rose.

But have you thought about it?

Why, Shanghai is in such a hurry!

Why is China so urgent?


If even Shanghai can't do well with waste sorting,

The level of waste disposal in China continues to stagnate.

The Chinese must continue to bear the garbage siege,

It is the consequence of the inability to control effectively that the carcinogenic rate of garbage incineration.

The Chinese can't wait any longer!


As is known to all, China is a big waste-producing country.

As early as 2004, China already,

To surpass the United States as the world's biggest garbage producer.

According to a report of the German-Chinese Center for Environment and Energy Promotion,

China currently has an annual output of about 400 million tons of household waste,

And increasing at an annual rate of about 8%.


Landfill has long been the main method of urban waste disposal in China.

In 2010, Director Wang Jiuliang shocked the world with his film Garbage Besieged City(垃圾围城).

The documentary shows the glamorous Beijing,

Surrounded by garbage dumps,

They form the "seven rings" of Beijing.

At the same time, pollution of land and water resources is shocking.


The problem brought by garbage is not only the impact on the environment and animals,

Then it all comes back to us!

Maybe it's the wind, the water,

It is the meat and dairy product produced from pigs, cows and sheep that feed on garbage,

It is organic fruits and vegetables grown on landfills,

Even the land under the house, the school,

You don't know if it's been repaired.


07 Hundreds of "cancer villages" in China

If eating "junk food" without knowing it,

Still not alerting people.

But these "cancer villages" in China,

Has given us a foretaste of the future.


In Yuanfeng Village, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, since 1995,

Behind the village there is a garbage mountain more than several meters above sea level.

Poisonous rot and dirty water penetrate underground,

Polluted the water source that people live and drink.

As long as water is used locally,

No one can escape the corrosive effects of garbage and poison...


So, there are only 400 people in this village,

In 10 years, many villagers died of cancer.

Called by many media including CCTV,

Cancer Village.


Similar cancer villages,

There are hundreds of thousands in China.

Because of garbage disposal,

Garbage pollution, water pollution, and air pollution...


Therefore, the Chinese have to win this garbage war.

Waste sorting is just the beginning!

Pre-existing garbage will not disappear because of waste sorting!

Hopefully, in the near future,

We can develop more plastic replacement products.

As ordinary people, we do well with waste sorting,

Meanwhile, use less plastic products, and use our own tableware,

Little by little, do what we can.


It is imperative to protect the environment.

Now we need several generations,

To win this war.

But we are duty-bound!


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