Why Sex Before Marriage Is Wrong
By Pastor Wesly Kipkoech Langat
Imagine if you are in a room full of people and someone passed around a cup and told everyone to spit into it. Then at the end, someone holds up the cup full of saliva and asks: "Who wants to drink this?!"
Gross right! This is what you are like if you have sex before marriage. You are asking your future spouse to drink this cup. We deserve 100% of our spouse, not just 50%.
Who wants the 'leftovers? What would make your wedding night special if EVERY boy or girlfriend you have had or random people got sex from you?
Every time we are sexually active with someone who is not our spouse, we give him or her a piece of our body, heart, and soul. God told us to flee sexual immorality for a reason (1 Corinthians 6:18).
It is not only a direct sin against Him, but every time we have sexual intercourse with someone you become ONE flesh with that person (1 Corinthians 6:15-17).
Sex is not just a physical activity where you get your pleasure in and leave. Our spirit, emotions, and every aspect of your being are united with that person.
We wonder why we feel so attached, clingy, can’t leave them when they do us wrong, take on their character trait and we are so empty and heartbroken when we break up?
Some of us have glued ourselves to all kinds of people through fornication and adultery and that is why our lives are so messed up (Mathew 19:5-9).
Why keep giving your body to all of these different people who have not made a vow and covenant before God in marriage? Why keep giving out your body as if it is not precious?
Only the power of God can set you free from the entrapment sexual immorality bring into your lives. Believe and trust in his Powers. . .
Keep in mind that God historically destroyed all individuals who engaged in sexually promiscuous relations (1 Corinthians 10:23). He even destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of this Sin (Genesis 18:20; 19:14).
This being the case, you better stop engaging in that practice of having sex before marriage and more so because you are doing harm to yourself and cheating on your future partner.
Pastor Wesly Kipkoech Langat,
September 24, 2019.
NB: I would like to encourage you to read an e-book entitled, Before Getting Married: Facts Every Young Man and Woman Should Know, by Ndungu Mungai to understand the various things you should know and do before you move into a marital relationship.?