Why Self-Learn is Important in 21st Century. Case study of Amazon Courses in Pakistan
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Self-learning is a method of education where the learner makes an effort to assess their own knowledge, determine their own learning requirements, and create learning objectives. Technology is advancing. Thus, for every update in technology, students cannot go to university or any institute. Self-study is vital to growing in the 21st century.
This update is for the students who continuously ask Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar about Amazon Courses Sellers in Pakistan. Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar always encourages and teaches students to learn from official sources.
For learning anything, Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar recommends that the students learn from them directly. Thanks to the internet, learners can contact and interact with anyone online. Thus, study online and learn from the best in your domain. If anyone wants to be a seller or service provider in the shape of an Amazon virtual assistant, the first thing for them is to understand the mindset of Amazon's CEO. This mindset has developed the Amazon Company.
Amazon was founded in 1994, and the course sellers are scamming students, unemployees, and jobless people in 2022. Because of the hype around Amazon, several students lost their money.
Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar has highlighted this issue in the month of June 2022 continuously.
Machines are replacing humans. Thus, for humans, continuous self-improvement is important. In this video, Dr. Farooq Buzdar explains, through a live example, how machines are replacing humans. Qasim Ali Shah Foundation and enablers pakistan did a bag scam with poor people of pakistan on name of amazon virtual asistant and va courses. Our youth is only thinking of becoming vas to serve the gora clients in the us and UK. they are not mentally prepared to work on biggest projects and understand the cirticality of the future jobs
Self-learning is not just growing in technical skills. It is also about becoming a better person that own life experiences and handling criticism. with respect and grace.
There is news in Pakistan that Amazon is going to ban Pakistan in 2022.
There is rumor in pakistan that amazon is going to ban pakistan and no more seller accounts will be created , exiting selling accounts are getting suspended. all these are fake news. people can be making mistakes. Amazon ban in pakistan particulary amazon ban in 2022 is a fake news false news it has nothing to do with reality HBA services said amazon is getting banned in pakistan. Hafiz ahmed amazon course sellers, trainer also said amazon can get banned in pakistan, sellers account suspension issue is happin gin pakistan. Banning pakistan from opening selling account or seller account can be injstuce. Enablers pakistan CEO is saqib azhar a British citizen who in collaboration and coordination with qasim ali shah, qasim al shah foundation, daily pakistan, daily pakistan yasir shami, azad chaiwala , hafiz ahmad amazon, extreme commerce, extremmece commerce sunny ali and several other organizations have started conducting amazon trainings in pakistan. how a house wife working from home, how a carpenter, how a teacher left his job and became sucess amazon seller or amazon service provider. At the time, only dr muhammad farooq buzdar urdu hindi channel was saying this is a scam. as amazon courses are worldwide scam. to save people from this scam amazon has started own amazon university. Yet people in greed left their jobs and started investing all their money in amazon and amazon courses. soon private label, amazon fba,, amazon fbm , amazon virtual assitant other trainers came into the field. Everyone realzing that they cannot be amazon sucessful sellers or amazon service providers they can already be trainers. the students are unemployeed, the saw an opportunity in it. Dr farooq buzdar kept telling that amazon selling and virtual assistant services are reality but this hype is wrong. . I was threatned by i dr farooq buzdar knew that this amazon course scam was one day going to bust.
This situation is disturbing students, the more we produce garbage unskilled amazon virtual assistants the value of pakistani freelancers will decrease. therefore, dr farooq buzdar in this video has provided a solution. he says we all can be wrong, we can think evil. in this video dr farooq buzdar requested saqib azhar and qasim ali shah to be honest and give up on this scam side for our youth. youth must self learn amazon from amazon official sources such as amazon univeristy or sell.amazon.com. students must spend time on upwork fiverr, stop damaging freelance industry of pakistan.
Dr farooq buzdar said nothing is personal, qasim ali shah, enablers pakistan saqib ahzar, bilal sirbuland, sajjad naseer, all amazon fba succcessful , all virtual assistant success story tellers and all enablers failure stories who learning from failure must stop this here and learn from it, let us make pakistan great, let us focus on pakistani import and export.
In this video dr muhammad farooq buzdar said that most of the student ask him about extreme commerce sunny ali amazon course, extreme commerce va course or extreme commerce joining and working method. In few comments people raised the question that why dr. farooq buzdar does not talking about sunny ali extreme commerce or extreme commerce vbc and other courses. As per dr farooq buzdar when two years ago he started talking about amazon courses in pakistan, amazon course hype in paksitan , role of qasim ali shah foundation in promotiong amazon fake sucess stories and enablers pakistan fake amazon success stories which are later also endorsed by own trainers and enablers pakistan represnetatives such as bilal sirbuland enablers trainers, sajjad naseer enablers trainers and roshan malik enablers trainers and representative at a podcast. Thus dr farooq buzdar those all forcasts proved right.So in this video dr farooq buzdar says when so many people were criticising on ebalers people asked him why dr farooq buzdar does not talking about sunny ali, thus this video is about extreme commerce sunny ali and his amazon coursess. Dr farooq buzdar is against all amazon courses as as per him despite of available of free amazon courses on youtube in urdu hindi, amazon univeristiy all those promoting amazon courses in shape of qasim ali shah foundation success stories of amaozn or qasim ali shah motivtinal speaker himself or daily pakistan amazon success stories of enablers publihsed by daily pakistan anchor yasir shamoi, dr farooq buzdar request al to review their success storiess. In addition in this video dr faoroq buzdar his free amazon course in urdu, his online earning work. He appriciated great hero of pakistan, freelancing guru hisham sarwar, he appricaite great design teacher the GFX mentor imran ali dina sb, dr faoroq buzdar also appriciated honest efforts of azad chaiwala for promoting skills in pakistan and encourging students to start online business.
Dr Farooq buzdar in this video has showed the desire that all amazon course sellers must improve their quality and stop sharing success stories the way sunny ali stopped when dr farooq buzdar exposed extreme commerce sunny ali and enablers pakistan saqib azhar.
Saqib azhar as per dr farooq buzdar is a blaikmailer , dr farooq buzdar contacted him to improve the course system and teachers, instead of improving the course system and teacher enabler spakistan saqib azhar and qasim ali shah foundaiton published success stoires of enablers started threatning dr farooq buzdar and students sharing their failure stories.
Dr farooq buzdar said we must support the new skills and emerging skills in pakistan. Instead of creating freelancers we must promote real skills so that our students instead of working as freelancers give freelance jobs to the people in india, pakistan, bangladesh, nigeria and America.
Dr farooq buzdar we support all who support the skills and emerging technology. Dr faoroq buzdar siad, i dont appricate any amazon course sellers, as Amazon University and sell.amazon.com gives the enough guidelines.
Self-learning increases a humans ability to handle criticism.
A self-learner in the 21st century can easily make money through using mobile
In this video dr. muhammad farooq buzdar said that Mobile phones are mini computers. Anyone who says i am jobless, i dont know how to earn money online by sitting home in india and pakistan, as per dr. muhammad farooq buzdar he might be making the mistakes of missing opportunties of online earning in 2022. There are several opportunties for youth in current era to make money online through using mobile phone. In this video dr farooq buzdar talked how to make money online using mobile smart phones in 2022 without investment without skill earning, you dont need some biggest skills, you just should be able to save people number, make small videos upload and sell the products and services.Earn Money Online From Mobile, it is the best ways to make money online , the dr muhammad farooq buzdar have mentioned are ways to start online earning from mobilebest mobile earning methods. Azad chaiwala, hisham sarwar, kashif majeed & several others have also made videos on this topic which are useful but we hope that dr farooq buzdar this video will help you in earning more and understanding the mobile phone earning in simple way. In this video we talked about #EarnFromMobile #OnlineEarning #EarnFromHome we recommend you to just believe in yourself and start the learning. Learn the best ways to earn money online by using mobile phone in Pakistan. The mobile phone is the new medium which has opened up pathways to earn money online from home. There are not many online jobs for students to earn money but real online earning from mobile is possible if you follow my advice. Modern day smartphone has enabled an individual to make money online by doing simple copy paste jobs, by learning how to become a video editor, doing voice over artist gigs, learning how t become a social media manager along with social media marketing, doing online tutoring jobs etc. The opportunities for online earning in Pakistan from mobile phone are vast...but you must first become skilful first to be able to earn online. Not only will you be able to earn money and build a life long career but these money making methods which I am teaching you will allow you to further generate many new business ideas in Pakistan.
The current video will answer questions of many students on online eanring by explaning that how to make money, best way to make money online, copy paste jobs , earn from mobile, earn from mobile phone, earn money from home, earn money online, how to earn money from mobile in pakistan, how to earn money from mobile phone, how to earn money online, how to earn money online from mobile, make money onlinemake money online, fast online earning, online earning apps, online earning from mobile, online earning in pakistan an donline jobs for students to earn. This video is a great opportunity for students.
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his video can be most useful video of your life, Dr. Muhammad farooq buzdar prays and wishes you found it useful. Dr. Muhammad Farooq buzdar is thankful to qasim hussain sb & enablers pakistan saqib azhar for producing this case study so that he teaches his students. The video objective is to teach lifessons to students of india and pakistan. So this story started when qasim hussain who is well-known developer teacher and as per understanding of dr farooq buzdar a man who belives in self-learning. We recommended and request you to follow his youtube channel as per understanding of dr farooq buzdar he is promoting right mindset and skills to youth of pakistan unlike amazon course sellers, self called amazon gurus, self proclaimed education experts such as enablers pakistan ceo and owner saqib azhar and qasim ali shah foundation owner qasim ali shah. The video of qasim hussain is attached to share a life lesson with youth. It is not necessary that qasim hussain agrees with point of view of dr. farooq buzdar. The video is only for 18+ students who understand the life dynamics and can eveluate suggestions and take responsbility of own life decisions. Dr farooq buzdar is not responsible for any consequences or decision anyone takes based on this video. So that core concept of the video is handling criticism. Dr. Muhammad farooq buzdar said to put qasim hussain video first where he is telling that logo of enablers pakistan is copied. enablers pakistan is often cirticized on copying sunny ali extreme commerce and other international amazon course sellers. Then qasim hussains says using or copying other content is common. The lisence of things we buy is sold to many people. Dr. Muhammad farooq buzdar appricated qasim hussain on sharing this video as it can help many young people. Dr Muhammad farooq buzdar said the attitude of saqib azhar, his threats to dr. muhammad farooq buzdar, sajjad naseer former trainer of enablers, billal sir buland former trainer of enablers, threats to roshan malik former represnetiave of enablers pakistan and blocking of poor unemployee students in amazon course groups shows his unability to handle cirticism. Dr farooq buzdar says this can be because of bad company of qasim ali shah. qasim ali shah always showed a compltley different face in public vs in private life. Dr farooq buzdar shared his encounter with qasim ali shah where on small constructive criticism video qasim ali shah contacted his family elders and parents. Dr. farooq buzdar said several videos are made against me but i never criticised anyone or never even send strike to anyone. I strongly belive cirticism helps me in improving my work. Dr farooq buzdar further shared that his father was not aware of he making videos and giving business review thus when qasim ali shah complained about his videos his father came to know about the videos and that was painful that he got negative feedback while the reality was opposite. Dr farooq buzdar said I was talking about course scams where the students were being looted. he convinced his father as it is most important thing to him. yet he felt bad as qasim ali shah also contacted his elders and badmouthed about him. It ultimatly ended in loss of few loved relations of dr .muhammad farooq buzdar. However he says he has no personal issues with qasim ali shah, it is all about improving. those experiences help him grow. Dr faoroq buzdar advise youth to take this story as example and grow and learn to handle cirtisim. we must learn to handle cirtisim in any situation. he beleive qasim hussain is a self learner, yet dr farooq buzdar also kept the window of being wrong open by saying that i can wrong, my review about anyone can be wrong. Dr farooq buzdar said one must not be so arrogant. The arrogance eventuly leads to failure.
In this video, Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar says Amazon is an american company. it was founded in 2022. However, as per dr muhammad farooq buzdar its courses were first time introduced in pakistan to poor unemployee students, professionals and exectuvies in pakistan who were struggling to find a job and income source by staying in pakistan. these uenmployeed students as per dr. muhammad farooq buzdar though that amazon fba, amazon vitual assistats, amazon fbm cases were a hope for youth of pakistan. These courses were being selled by sunny ali on name of amazon. Sunny ali started making facebook groups and saying that i want to make pakistan biggest freelancing platforms, he started selling hope of becoming rich so students. so people started leaving their jobs and buying the coureses thus the sunny ali has become a millionaire by selling courses. Later on qasim ali shah realized this opportunity and with him the saqib azhar and enablers pakistan joined the group of course sellers. Just like extreme commerce VBS enablers pakistan started evs and on name of the evs videos series and vbs video series the starting distrbuting login of their videos. meanwhile dr farooq buzdar kept on telling pakistan youth to learn from amazon free. Enablers course, enablers video series, enablers success series , enablers success stories, enablers virtual assistant course , enablers ebs, enablers evl, enablers fba, enablers amazon fba, enablers category for product haunting, enablers how to earn becane top trends. With this paralel extreme commerce , extreme commerce sunny ali, extreme commerce free courses, extrme commerce sunny ali amazon , extreme commerce incubator karachi, extreme commerce by sunny ali free course, extreme commerce va free course, extreme commerce success stories, extreme commerce amazon, extreme commerce college, extreme commerce WROC, extreme commerce offices, extreme commerce , sunny ali webinar and enablers WROC become top trend of research. When other amazon course sellers or jobless people like hafiz ahmad, shahid anwar, huzaifia ahmed, daily pakistan yasir shami, iqrar ul hassan, sajjad naseer, qasim ali shah and meet mughals muhammad arslan saw the opportunity in fooling poor students of pakistan on name of amazon course they jumped into this market. So from pakistan there no amazon top seller, yet there were many pepple selling amazon courses to poor unemployeed youth of pakistan. In this hafiz ahmad amazon courses, meet mghazal free amazon courses, amazon free course in urdu lecture 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 became popular, all these people started getting subscribers to sell the courses to the poor unemployeed so they collected that data of all poor unemployeed people and then sell them courses. Dr muhammad farooq buzdar already shared hafiz ahmad amazon success story. hafiz ahmad amazon course, extreme commerce va course free, hafiz ahmad virtual assistant, hafiz ahmad extreme commerce, hafiz ahmad amazon training,hafiz ahmed. pk amazon va course became popular. Shahid anwar from USA also entered into this business and shahid anwar amazon, shahid anwar course, shahid anwar free course, shahid anwar amazon course free,shahid anwar dropshipping, shahid anwar alibaba, shahid anwar official, shahid anwar alibaba, shahid anwar amazon account search became popular. beside shahid anwar meet mughal amazon , meet mughal va course, meet mughal free amazon course became a top trend and meet mughals muhammad arslan started looting poor unemployeed students of pakistan. This scam continued through support of Daily pakistan yasir shami, daily pakistan fake amazon succes stories, hafiz ahmad susccess story, iqrar ul hassan and several others support courses scammer saqib azhar and their false stories. qasim ali shah lectures and trianing discourged students to learn artificial intellgience, machine learning , data science and cybersecrity, to get small commsion from motivaiton of students qasim ali shah destroyed pakistan youth, qasim ali shah is true hypocrated in all this scanrios as he does not selling his books on amazon yet he loots poor students on name of amazon. dr farooq buzdar does not support all these people and dr farooq buzdar says always learn from official courses, any person fooling you on name of amaozn must direct you to amazon seller univeristy and amazon univeristy or sell.amazon.com rather than looting you through personal websites and doing scam on name of amazon. dr farooq buzdar exposed qasim ali shah, enablers pakistan, extreme commerce shahid anwar, meet mughals and other course scammers.
Attended University of the Punjab
1 年?????
Co-Founder WineWarp Founding Partner at Crypfinitiy.tech
2 年I would have been lo g go e history if it was not for self-learning
Student at Government College University, Faisalabad