Why Security Surveillance is important in Perimeter Fencing | Corporate
What many people do not realize is just how complex the subject of perimeter security is today. Not only are there legal requirements to be met, but each application has its own needs - so the solution to the problem is different in every case. In most cases, high-security perimeter protection requires a combination of measures, one of which is fencing, with others being one or more of electric pulse, electronic surveillance and CCTV systems.
Perimeter security can include video detection, intrusion detection, access control, security fencing and gates, and barriers and bollards. The type of systems and technologies deployed will depend on the likely intrusion risks, which can range from vandalism and protests from activists, to criminal theft, espionage and, at worst terrorism.
Closed-circuit television or surveillance systems utilize cameras and recording equipment to provide visual protection. In areas that cameras monitor, having enough light in the right areas is essential. It might be too dim for the camera to capture decent video quality necessary to prosecute or identify persons of interest without enough light. Cameras can be fixed lens (not movable) or zoom lens (adjustable) and 360 degree rotation. In monitoring something that is stationary, you would want to use the right type of fixed lens depending on distance and width you are monitoring. Fixed lenses are available in wide, narrow or wide-angle.
As with our technical controls, we make the assumption that if someone wants to get through our perimeter, they will. So we need to supplement our fence with intrusion detection technology, including.
· Motion detectors
· Photoelectric systems
· Passive infrared
· Surveillance cameras that are monitored in real time
· Acoustic-seismic detection
Use of detection technology must be coupled with a documented and practiced response process.
Data centers and server rooms in organization must be off-limits to unauthorized individuals. These rooms have to be locked down to prevent attacks. These rooms should be protected and have limited access to those employees that require access for job duties. The more human-incompatible rooms are, the less likely attacks are executed. These data center rooms store mission critical equipment and should be located in the middle of the facility and not in the basement, ground or top floors.
Facilities need physical access controls in place that control, monitor and manage access. Categorizing building sections should be restricted, private or public. Different access control levels are needed to restrict zones that each employee may enter depending on their role. Many mechanisms that enable control and isolation access privileges at facilities. These mechanisms are intended to discourage and detect access from unauthorized individuals.
" Particularly when different security mechanisms are combined, this can lead to security vulnerability in the monitoring of various components. Our systems merge information under a common platform and offer you an additional security factor, Straightforward, low maintenance, scalable "
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?Turnstiles are a type of gate that allows only one person to enter. They must provide the same protection level as the fence they are connected. Turnstiles operate by rotating in one direction like a revolving door and allow one individual to leave or enter the premises at a time. The idea is to trap the person trying to gain access by locking them inside until proof of identity is confirmed. If the individual has permission to enter, the inside door opens allowing entry. This is a security control measure that delays unauthorized people to entering the facility until security or police officers arrive.
Proof of identity is necessary for verifying if a person is an employee or visitor. These cards come in the forms of badges and identification (ID) cards. Badges can also be smart cards that integrate with access control systems. Pictures, RFID tags, magnetic strips, computer chips and employee information are frequently included to help security validate the employee.
Motion detectors offer different technology options depending on necessity. They are used as intrusion detection devices and work in combination with alarm systems. RFID detectors observe changes in patterns. Heat-based motion detectors sense changes in heat levels. Wave pattern motion detectors use ultrasonic or microwave frequencies that monitor changes in reflected patterns. Capacitance motion detectors monitor for changes in electrical or magnetic fields. Photoelectric motion detectors look for changes in light and are used in rooms that have little to no light. Passive audio motion detectors listen for unusual sounds.
Alarms monitor various sensors and detectors. Status changes in the devices trigger the alarm. In hardwired systems, alarms notice the changes in status by device by creating a wiring short. Types of alarms are deterrent, repellant, and notification. Deterrent alarms attempt to make it more difficult for attackers to get to major resources by closing doors and activating locks. Repellant alarms utilize loud sirens and bright lights in the attempt to force attackers off the site. Notification alarms send alarm signals through dial-up modems, internet access or GSM (cellular) means. The siren output may be silenced or audible depending on if the organization is trying to catch criminals in the act.
Token cards have microchips and integrated circuits built into the cards that process data. Microchips and integrated circuits enable the smart card to do two-factor authentication. This authentication control helps keeps unauthorized attackers or employees from accessing rooms they are not permitted to enter. Employee information is saved on the chip to help identify and authenticate the person. Two-factor authentication also protects computers, servers and data centers from unauthorized individuals. Assess will not be granted with possession of the card alone. A form of biometrics (something you are) or a PIN or password (something you know) must be entered to unlock the card to authenticate the user.
Access control systems use proximity readers to scan cards and determine if it has authorized access to enter the facility or area. Access control systems evaluate the permissions stored within the chip sent via radio frequency identification RFID. This technology utilizes the use of transmitters (for sending) and responders (for receiving).
Guard Tour System allow better output from staff, improves efficiency, and provide reliable information on work carried out. Most importantly they highlight checkpoints that were missed out, so that appropriate action can be taken.
The main components to a guard tour system are a handheld data collector device, location checkpoints and management software. Check points are fixed to locations guard to be visited, and the Security Guard/Person carries a robust handheld data collector which they use to read the checkpoint when it is visited. The checkpoints identification number and time of the visit is recorded by the data collector.
The data transfer unit for the guard tour device is done by connecting USB collectors. It is connected to a PC or laptop via the USB port and transfers the date when the collector is inserted. To guarantee maximum accuracy, the real-time clock in the device data collector is synchronized during the download operation. You can access data within few seconds in excel format with real time tracking.
DAccess Security management systems for comprehensive security:
Only combining all reports from the individual security solutions can give you control over the system and make security assessable. For this, DAccess offers you a range of different security management systems. The advantage is that all reports are brought together on a single surface. The management systems differ in the complexity of their options and specific primary uses. Your security requirements must be brought together into a common security concept with consideration of local conditions. Just as the management system must be adapted to the given requirements. The Surveillance system from DAccess offers you a reliable, scalable, and user friendly solution for centrally administer your access control, video surveillance, and intrusion detection technology. The multisite approach for this solution makes it possible for you to receive reports from various sites and to attend to all systems at once as if they were a single system.
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#AccessControlsystem #Biometric #RFIDCard
#FingerprintAccess #Attendance #TCP/IP #CloudBased #Reliable
#Realtimedata #DaccessSecuritySystems #parkingmanagemnet