Why is Scrum the best methodology to work with in software development?

Why is Scrum the best methodology to work with in software development?

Software is always handled in a changing context and the development team constantly faces complex problems. That is why, at Crombie, we employ the Scrum methodology, which smoothens communication between the different professionals building the product, and enables them to reach a more creative solution, suited to the business needs.

This framework consists of generic work guidelines. These are designed to allow the change in the team priorities according to the environment, and so, delivering a work in tune with the emerging variations. The structure is aimed to be easy to use, so professionals can focus on solving complex problems.

When this methodology is employed, the developers follow sprints, different time frames where a set of tasks is worked on. Instead of delivering the final product on a deadline, the work is done in steps, and advances are continuously presented to the client or product owner This enables error reduction with time and the flexibilization of work plans according to changing business needs.

At the end of each sprint, the increment of product is achieved, which is a new delivery of the software that provides value to the stakeholders. This is done in order to obtain useful feedback to continue working, keeping the focus on providing the greatest possible value at each step.

During the sprint, the development team is focused on creating this increment. Making software entails lots of concentration and lots of development hours, the team members can’t attend long meetings every day to assess how they are going to approach every concept. That’s why, in Scrum, meetings are previously programmed and have a purpose, they must be the most minimal and indispensable possible.

For example, developers have dailies, which are 15-minute, daily meetings where the team gathers to stay aligned. The tasks of the day are communicated, the sprint priorities revisited, and they make sure no one has an obstacle a workmate can’t help solve.

At Crombie, we’ve already proven how our clients and developers created high-quality and successful software products thanks to the employment of this work methodology easily suited to their needs.

If you want to reach your goal and develop your product with Scrum, contact us! ?? https://crombie.dev/en/contact



