Why is saying 'no' so hard?
Chris Merrington
Business Growth Consultant, Author, Speaker. Training to Negotiate and Sell Successfully to clients. Face to Face and Remote. Coaching/Mentoring of Senior Agency People. Helping agencies and sales teams grow profitably.
You are sitting in a restaurant and the waiter or waitress asks “is everything alright?” Even if things aren’t alright many of us say “fine” and then turn to our dining companion and explain what it is that you’re not happy about – the food or the service. Why do we do that? Why didn’t we tell the truth to the waiter? Is it because we can’t be bothered, we’re avoiding confrontation or perhaps don’t want to embarrass ourselves or our companion? Chris Merrington, author of “Why do smart people make such stupid mistakes?” shares some strategies and ideas of why we often avoid saying no and the massive benefits of saying no appropriately in our business and personal lives.
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In my workshops with senior agency teams, I find many agency people are ‘people-pleasers’. It’s like we are wired to always want to say ’yes’. We may have been conditioned from an early age that saying “no” is rude, unfriendly or unhelpful. Yet your ability to say no is a critical part of being assertive, having effective negotiations and simply leading an assertive life and career. Many of us feel guilty saying ‘no’. You’re not a bad person for saying no. Sometimes we need to prioritise our needs over others. It’s not that we are being selfish.
There are some people who will use tactics to make it really hard for us to say ‘no’ so we end up saying yes to them. Examples of such tactics include whining, bullying, guilt and compliments.
Warren Buffet said “What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history.”
What’s the problem if we’re always saying yes? The danger is it will set a precedent. If it’s something we don’t want to do, because we’ve said yes, it’s likely we end up doing it, begrudgingly. Saying yes to everything tends to reduce other people’s respect for us. Once they think you’re a jerk, they’ll always think you’re a jerk. When you do say no often there is a power shift towards you. How much is your ‘yes’ costing you?
Surely, we all have the power to say “no”? If a client is trying to drive our price down do you have price integrity and hold your price, do you drop your price or do you propose another solution? No ifs, no buts, if the client doesn’t have the budget then offer a lower priced alternative, or take out some value. As if by magic the client often finds the extra money. It was just a ploy by the client.
Sometimes the client will walk away. There’s always that risk. That’s business. You need to be prepared to lose some business. Not all clients will be able to afford your price. Don’t try to appeal to everyone or go for the lowest common denominator. Marks & Spencer shouldn’t try to appeal to Lidl or Aldi customers. Which are you in your marketplace? There is no right or wrong – it’s about knowing who your customers are. Your price needs to reflect your worth or your value. Are you worth it? I recently helped a client with their pricing to understand their value and their impact on their customers. When they realised their value they decided to increase their fees quite substantially.
Here are 7 tips to help you be more comfortable saying no.
Do not assume “it’ll be ok”. The business of business is business. You’re in business to make money. Commercial realism needs to be second nature. Wake up. Stop being a pussy-cat! So go on, next time you’re about to say yes when you really want to say no, be brave, be courageous and be prepared for what may happen next!
Chris Merrington is the author of “Why do smart people make such stupid mistakes?” - A practical negotiation guide to more profitable client relationships for marketing and communication agencies, sales teams and professional service people. He regularly runs online and live Masterclasses and Workshops with agency directors and sales teams in the areas of Negotiation, Trusted Adviser Selling and Business Prospecting. Chris Merrington is a professional conference speaker and business growth consultant. He can be contacted at [email protected]