Why is Salmon Becoming more and more Popular?
Trapananda Seafarms
Sole commercial office for Australis Seafoods to all North American markets. Salmon and trout from the Chilean Patagonia
Today, health experts recommend adding salmon to the weekly diet because of its high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to medical and nutritional experts highlighting its nutritional values, salmon has become a popular alternative for most people. The popularity of salmon is now three times higher than it was in the early 1980s. Why is this?
Benefits of salmon
1.?Excellent source of protein
People who control their diet and want to be healthier prefer low-carbohydrate diets. That's why salmon is often a healthy and delicious choice when it comes to dieting. It is an excellent source of protein and keeps body weight under control. Also, salmon helps with muscle building and bone strengthening.
2. The rich source of vitamin B
Salmon contains a large amount of vitamin B, all types, from vitamin B1 to B12. It is difficult to find a food that contains all types of B vitamins. This vitamin helps to reduce inflammation and prevent cardiovascular disease. In addition, this vitamin also helps the brain and nervous system to function properly.
3. Contains selenium
The human body needs selenium to help its bones to be protected. In addition, it decreases the chances of getting cancer. Selenium helps people suffering from thyroid diseases. Consuming salmon twice a week will keep the selenium levels in order.
4. ?Provides Omega-3 fatty acids
Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are hugely beneficial for the human body. These fatty acids help prevent heart disease, cancer-related diseases, and lower blood pressure.
5. An excellent source of potassium
Salmon is a fantastic source of potassium. Potassium has several benefits and helps to lower blood pressure levels. It also reduces the chances of having a stroke. People with high blood pressure are often recommended to eat salmon at least 2 times a week.
6. Salmon is good for weight loss
Salmon, apart from being delicious and offering enormous nutritional value, reduces appetite. This fish controls the hormones that trigger appetite, therefore, after eating salmon, the appetite will be satiated, and this will help to control weight. On top of that, the metabolic rate increases when eating salmon, so it is a perfect food option to lose a few pounds.
Over the years, the popularity of salmon has been growing steadily, and this is because this fish has several nutritional values that are hugely beneficial to health. Salmon is a rich source of protein, vitamin B, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and potassium. In addition, it is a great food choice when it comes to weight reduction. All these nutritional values and health benefits plus the tasty and versatile nature of salmon make it increasingly popular