WHY is Sales Enablement? A Community Conversation Begins...
Erich Starrett
The #PurpleCollar Guy - Lighting The Way for Human Beings to Untangle from the Status Quo, Master Change and Gain Digital Command #AiCuriousHumanEnthusiast #GoDowntownATL
I posed a question to the global Sales Enablement community last week: "WHY is Sales Enablement?"
For answers I'm looking first to the vision, principles, and positions of the founding "congress" of the @Sales Enablement Society about seven years ago, alongside a collaborative conversation with the community.
Why ask WHY??
As a habitual community builder working on a "post Covid" reboot of the Atlanta Chapter of the SES while doing a deep dive into whether or not I should double-down on Sales Enablement myself professionally in parallel, it would be an epic fail not to involve fellow enablement professionals in the conversation and conclusions.
On Friday I went a click deeper and published an Article: WHY is Sales Enablement? Seeking Answers in the SES' Founding.
To kick off the week I thought I'd consolidate and share some of the comments / commentary Q&As back into the larger conversation. There is some really insightful stuff in here that I want to ensure isn't "lost in LinkedIN comments."
Gail Behun : I applaud your efforts and look forward to reading these communications as you journal out your thoughts. I hope we can discuss at the SES conference because there is so much merit to the discussion. While I appreciate, these conversations have been held before, it is never academic to work to add clarity and definition when it up levels us all.
@Gail: Erich Starrett I can’t reveal that but I can promise the discussion will continue well beyond the event. We need thought leaders like you to continue to push the boundaries of this profession.
Scott Santucci : What is your specific journey... and how might I be of service?
@Scott: ...and how might I be of service?
@Scott: I appreciate your posting an article about the "definition of sales enablement" I wrote, but I'm not in the "definition" game anymore. It's a worthless pursuit.
There is a MASSIVE problem facing B2B companies. It's a problem that the 100 founders of the Sales Enablement Society were very close to defining correctly. There are precise positions in the group too.
That problem - friction between and among internal groups that create massive inefficiencies. This problem still exists and can be QUANTIFIED in a variety of ways. The best and more effective? The Commerical Ratio.
Those 100 founding members of the Society articulated themselves as having front-court seats witnessing right before their own eyes the emergence of the biggest problem to face B2B companies - commercial chaos. Referring to themselves humbly and modestly as "heads of broken things," the key insight was that the broken things have common patterns. First, there are flavors of friction between sales and a) HR, b) marketing c) finance, and e) administration. This insight is so true today.
Lee Levitt : Scott Santucci is right, it doesn't matter when it was first defined. Despite the Sales Enablement Society taking on the noble task of elevating the profession, the SE role is still largely (sadly) considered that of trainer or content manager, versus strategic thinker and influencer of revenue generation. As a founding member of the Society, this makes me sad. Apologies to my fellow sales enablement strategists...we still have a long way to go.
@Lee: Even though the work isn't finished, I think we're starting to see a bifurcation of what we think of as sales enablement back into training/content management and what people are now calling revenue enablement, which focuses on the sales and revenue lifecycle rather than on customer facing roles.
Personally, I think this is a more holistic perspective, one that actually reflects the glue function that we as SE professionals undertake...sticking many different groups together.
@Lee: IDC published an IDC Insight in 2007, entitled Empowering the Sales Rep, discussing the value and effectiveness of sales enablement, and offering a thoughtful decision. This work was based in part on conversations with John Aiello and others in the vendor community. I'd suggest that John had come up with the concept of sales enablement as much as ten years earlier.
Special additional shoutout of thanks to Paul Butterfield ?? and Peter Ostrow for your direct outreach, questions, and continuing contributions.
I would be grateful to have YOU join in the journey, actively participate and collaborate in the conversation, and in doing so, work to connect and elevate the global Enablement community as we uncover both "why?" AND "what's next?"
Please see links to the article/posts so far in the comments below...?
Let's Elevate Enablement Together!
- Erich
Acting ATL Sales Enablement Society Chapter President
Pavilion Executive Envoy
Enablement #Orchestrator Ambassador
"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." - Jonathan Swift ?? At Treegens, we embrace the vision of sustainability and growth, much like the essence of sales enablement. By enhancing skills and providing the right tools, we strive for a greener future. Plus, we're excited about an opportunity that might resonate with your quest for answers - the upcoming sponsorship for the Guinness World Record of Tree Planting! ??? Check it out: https://bit.ly/TreeGuinnessWorldRecord
Absolutely on point! ?? "The best way to predict the future is to create it," Peter Drucker once said. Leaning into your vision and principles is key in shaping the illustrious future of Sales Enablement at ManyMangoes. Keep pushing boundaries! ????
The #PurpleCollar Guy - Lighting The Way for Human Beings to Untangle from the Status Quo, Master Change and Gain Digital Command #AiCuriousHumanEnthusiast #GoDowntownATL
1 年Article: FRI 7.28.23: WHY is Sales Enablement? Seeking Answers in the SES' Founding https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/why-sales-enablement-seeking-answers-ses-founding-erich-starrett/ Posts: WED 7.26.23 What makes a good Sales Enablement person? https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/erichstarrett_salesleadership-b2bmarketing-salesenablement-activity-7088302761586429952-v23o THU 7.27.23 What is Sales Enablement? The question STILL lingers. https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/erichstarrett_definition-of-sales-enablement-its-an-ongoing-activity-7090381006439886849-VlQx/ FRI 7.28.23 WHY is Sales Enablement? https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/erichstarrett_salesenablement-orchestrator-activity-7090904745971744768-W_SQ/