Access to clean drinking water is a critical issue in many parts of India particularly in rural areas villages in India are facing an acute shortage of drinking water due to several reasons including inadequate rainfall over-exploitation of groundwater and poor water management practices
One of the main reasons for the water crisis in many villages in India depends heavily on groundwater for their daily needs including drinking water irrigation and other domestic uses however due to over extraction and inadequate recharge of groundwater the water table is declining rapidly in many areas leading to a severe shortage of water.
In addition to this the monsoon season has become unpredictable in recent years leading to drought-like conditions in many parts of the country this has further exacerbated the water crisis in many villages as there is not enough rainfall to replenish the groundwater.
Poor water management practices including inefficient irrigation methods untreated sewage discharge and industrial pollution are also contributing to the water crisis in many villages.
To address this issue the government of India has launched several initiative to improve access to clean drinking water in rural areas. These initiative include the construction of new water supply system the rejuvenation of traditional water conservation practices.
However much more needs to be done to ensure that every village in India has access to safe and clean drinking water the government and civil society organization must work together to implement sustainable water management practice and educate the public about the importance of water conservation.
The Indian government, along with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private sectors entities has taken several steps to tackle the issues of clean drinking water in India some of these steps include:
1.????NATIONAL RURAL DRINKING WATER PROGRAMME (NRDWP): the government launched the NRDWP in 2009 with the aim of providing safe and adequate drinking water to rural areas the programme focuses on improving water quality and accessibility creating sustainable water supply system and promoting community participation in water management.
2.????JAL JEEVAN MISSION: the Jal Jeevan mission was launched in 2019 with the goal of providing piped water supply to every rural household in India by 2024. The mission also aims to ensure the sustainability of water supply systems, promote water conservation and management practice and create awareness about the importance of clean water.
3.????SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN (clean India mission): launched in 2014, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aims to achieve universal sanitation coverage and promote hygiene practices across the country. The mission include initiative to build toilets improve waste management and provide safe drinking water.
4.????RAINWATER HARVESTING: Several NGOs and community organizations have promoted rainwater harvesting as a sustainable solution to water scarcity. These initiative involve building structure to collect rainwater harvesting system and promoting the use of groundwater recharge techniques.
5.????COMMONITY WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM: NGOs and private sector entities have installed community water filtration system in areas where water quality is poor. These system use technologies such as reverse osmosis, ultraviolet radiation, and ceramic filters to remove contaminants from water.
6.????WATER CONSERVATION: the government and NGOs have launched awareness campaigns encourage people to adopt practices. These campaigns encourage people to adopts practices such as rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation and crop rotation to reduce water usage.
Overall, these steps indicate that India is taking measure to address the issue of clean drinking water. However more efforts are needed to ensure universal access to safe and adequate drinking water in the country.