Why the Right Investment Matters in Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education Ethiopia
Improve, advance, expand and prioritize early childhood care and education in rural Ethiopia.
Recently, Early Childhood Education Ethiopia received a donation from SATO : An award-winning solution-forward organization that works worldwide to provide innovative sanitation and hygiene products to communities in Ethiopia. With their contribution, SATO Lixil is trialing the Single Outlet I Trap Connection toileting system with ECEE, and with its success, it will be available for broader use in Africa. We are excited to share the completion of the first set of children's restrooms using this system at ECEE's Community Preschool in Debre Tabor, Ethiopia. This achievement is unique for many reasons. SATO's approach can be a model for others on what solution-focused investment means for early childhood education reform and revitalization efforts.
The Right Investment Matters
When we think about early education interventions in Africa, most international funding focuses on increasing enrollment and expanding access to early learning programs. While these efforts may help create awareness, the true essence of early learning goes way beyond just putting children in the classroom. It also involves structuring a conducive environment that enhances the early acquisition of healthy habits and providing amenities that support young children's physiological needs during preschool. Local or global initiatives must consider every aspect of early education to achieve community-led goals, especially in small rural areas where young girls and boys face significant challenges as they pursue their early education. SATO's contribution and investments are invaluable as it addresses an overlooked problem; for children to attend and succeed in school, a sanitation system is equally, if not more important, than establishing access.
Equity is the Driver of Quality
In rural areas throughout Africa, children frequently experience inadequate sanitation, exacerbating existing public health issues. When the opportunity to go to school avails, children encounter unsafe, unclean facilities and are exposed to open lanterns that are hazardous to young children. Early Childhood Education Ethiopia is committed to creating equitable, hygienic spaces designed to meet the developmental needs of young children while providing privacy and security to all children, especially young girls. Proper and functional facilities are vital for young girls' attendance and remaining in school.
Educating Young Children Health and Safety Practices
With some planning and solution-targeted investment, preventive measures against communicable diseases can be prioritized in early learning environments in rural communities. Handwashing is the most effective way to achieve this goal and something children enjoy doing if amenities are available. Organizations, particularly those tasked with health and human services, must take the lead in creating actionable agendas and prioritizing facility construction in preschools, homes, and communities. With proper infrastructure, it is possible to hold societies accountable for their prevention efforts. Further, to successfully instill healthy habits in children from an early age, a combination of experiences is necessary: First, sanitation stations that meet universal standards must be implemented. Second, early education intervention models and international initiatives should direct funding toward such amenities. Third, curriculum and instruction must integrate healthy practices into daily activities rather than just a standalone unit.
Good Enough is Not Enough
For most children, bathrooms are a given; it is part of the early education system in many parts of the world. We want the same for all children regardless of social location, including those that live in hard-to-reach areas. While education is a right, a healthy environment should precede that slogan to move early education forward in the right direction. As part of the organization's philosophy, we believe in empowering families to become critical consumers and aid recipients while supporting community members to be informed advocates for children. We educate them about the importance of following universal protocol in building high standards restrooms, following proper ratios, and going the extra mile: Never settling for good enough, as that is never enough.?
Our organization strongly believes in empowering families to?become critical aid consumers while supporting community members to be well-informed advocates for children. We place great emphasis on educating them about the significance of adhering to universal protocol when it comes to constructing high-quality restrooms, maintaining proper ratios, and going above and beyond to ensure excellence. We firmly believe that settling for "good enough" is not enough when caring for and educating young children.?
SATO's practical solutions are exemplary for the points raised above and beyond. Their belief in the work of Early Childhood Education Ethiopia is incalculable as it fully advances the organization's whole-child approach. For the young learner, the environment is the third teacher; clean, responsive, developmentally appropriate, healthy, and adequately equipped facilities are equally compulsory in early childhood education.?
To learn more about Early Childhood Education Ethiopia:
Visit: www.earlyeducationethiopia.org
Support: https://www.earlyeducationethiopia.org/donate/
Leading with Children!