Why Responsive Design better than Adaptive Design?
What is Responsive Design? In modern era of technology and digital world everyone is keen interested in getting information in a very beautiful and easy way. To help people responsive design was introduce in web world which is main source of information. Responsive design has given a new life to digital world, there are some who are people not familiar of responsive design websites but still they use responsive design on daily basis regardless of what exactly it is.
Responsive websites are those which adjust their layout and elements according to screen resolution without giving an awkward scrolling option to have a full view of web page. Different screen resolutions have different layout but gives a symmetric look and feel.
First decade of 21st century were made for desktop computers and laptops so responsive websites were not required. As technology and digital world got more hold over people daily routines gave a big U-Turn to web technology. Smartphone and Tablets adoption increased rapidly within 3 to 4 years so website need to strongly adaptable to every device. Everyone need look for information through their Smartphone’s most of the time so giving them a perfect user experience and ease to use.
So folks here are some advantages which can easily give you good benefits about it.
Advantages of Responsive Design Websites
Easily Adaptable:
No matter whatever your device resolution is website would be easily readable and flexible. Perfect look and feel, perhaps you get more interested in getting information in a good way.
Attractive User-interface:
Perfect example to understand responsive design website is finding small coffee shop on a big street with no sign boards and same finding a coffee shop in a shopping mall with direction boards will easily get you there. Same with responsive design websites they give a perfect user experience to search and find information. No need to scroll much and getting messed up.
All in one solution:
Making website for different type of devices like desktop, smart phone or tablet will cost you more than developing two responsive websites. Yes, responsive website can handle all devices without compromising on quality and user experience.
Search engine friendly:
Every website owner needs to get more visible over search engines. As Google holds 67% of search engine markets loves the websites which are responsive in design. In terms of management it is very easy to handle and manage SEO for a single website. SEO is well performed and rank of webpage can easily be done only if website adapt to all devices.
“The control which designers know in the print medium, and often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design for this flexibility. But first, we must ‘accept the ebb and flow of things.’”
John Allsopp, “A Dao of Web Design”
While Developing responsive website there are many aspect that would be considered compulsory but I would notify following as most important:
- Time & Money
- Older Browsers
- Performance
- Content
- Website vs. Web App
- Design/Development Process
Many techniques are out there to make responsive designs but there is not hard rule other than “Elements should show perfectly in every device”. If the design is flexible then what ever technique or methodology you use no one really care.
Every agency developing website should consider responsive design as a core service to enhance both user experience and market value. In my past few experience in web development never heard any disadvantage for this technology.