Why is Responsible Leadership SO critical for your business?

Why is Responsible Leadership SO critical for your business?

Well, quite simply, it builds and enhances the future of your organisation.

Great leadership is an essential foundation when it comes to?People, Planet and Profit?and the lack of effective leadership is a growing problem.

In this editorial, we will be focusing on its importance in the?battle for talent. More and more graduates have a clear idea of what they are looking for in an organization when applying for jobs and this includes looking closely at the management and the core values of the business.

How do I know this?

Well, I am a recent graduate myself. I have had enough conversations in the past year about ‘the job search’ that I can say, for certain, that Responsible Leadership is a demonstrated quality that we look for when choosing our future.

So, what does this look like? What leadership behaviours are these graduates searching for?

Responsible leadership means being honest, building trust, listening, being kind, and most of all, acting with integrity.

As small and simple as these may sound, they are fundamental to a healthy working environment as they improve the employee experience and their satisfaction at work.

A large part of responsible leadership is considering and listening to those you manage, hearing them and then acting on their thoughts and voices to show that they are valued.

It is well worth stating that responsible leadership is not just about high level, C-Suite leaders, instead it involves all managers right down the business.

An interesting article by?McKinsey & Company?(linked?here) shows how middle managers play an integral role in creating strong relationships, enhancing team performance and driving effective operations when they manage with creative and entrepreneurial practices, open and trusting values, and are operationally disciplined (to mention a few).

“Managers are one of the biggest factors- if not the biggest- in employees’ experiences and satisfaction at work”.

With this in mind, there is no doubt as to why?#responsibleleadership?can benefit a business in more ways than one.

The following are examples of workplace eexpectations that great leadership creates, from our book “Responsible Business”:

  • Relationships with other workers are positive.
  • Relationships where people are supportive and collaborative.
  • A workplace where individuals are respected and valued.
  • Trust exists in the workplace especially between employees and managers / supervisors.
  • Clear communications exist (good and frequent - two ways)
  • There is no discrimination of any type.
  • Individuals are treated fairly in all aspects.
  • The “voice of the employee” is heard, valued, and acted upon

An effective workplace would also recognize individuals as a “whole person – twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.” Individuals may feel that the workplace needs to enhance and improve its ability to hear, understand and respond to personal issues that an employee may be having that impact their work.

It is responsible leadership that sets the “tone at the top” and ensures that people are really valued based on behaviour and not just the subject of lip-service and other PR promises.

So, now we want to hear from you.

When looking for jobs, are you or would you be looking at how the company is managed including the values and ethics they hold towards people, planet, and profit?

Have a think about this question and let us know your response in the comments. See what other people are saying and feeling, maybe its time your own organisation rethought their approach to leadership.

This is my last editorial as Social Media Executive and Newsletter Editor for Responsible Business 2030.

I have really enjoyed my time working for such a committed and passionate organisation and I wish them all the luck with their mission- their message has definitely inspired my own career journey!


Our book?Responsible Business?was written with the purpose of helping companies achieve this triple purpose objective of people, planet, and profit, and to make responsible business commonplace by 2030.

If you would like more information on how to work towards being a?#responsiblebusiness, you can find the link to our book below. Or?get in touch!

Book:?Responsible Business by Nick Shepherd and Jim Bignal


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