Why Reputations Need Self-Learning  Choreographies online
Part 1

Why Reputations Need Self-Learning Choreographies online

New online communication choreographies are needed to deal with today’s challenges. Data science together with behavior science and communication expertise will be the new foundation on which solid brand reputations have to be built in the digital platforms of today .  

Today’s Challenges

In today’s maze of online communication channels, reputations have an arduous life. The speed of topic and sentiment dissemination is unpredictable fast with all its consequences. Biased opinions and emotive preferences are struggling with facts.

Chats through apps are the new one-to-one and one-to-few conversations. People like to share their experience-of-the-self instantly with the moment it occurs. Streaming live video with their smartphones has become a main source for news networks.

An overload of information jumps into the heads of people who try to make useful understanding of it. Digital impressions activated by 24/7 curiosity merge with senses, memories and thought. They result in new augmented perceptions to be embedded in deep metaphors. On the other side organizations try to make sense of their huge amount of unstructured data gathered in these online journeys of customers using sophisticated algorithms.

In the digital landscape of today vertical networks with specialized content compete with horizontal or social networks where anyone can join in. To achieve optimal engagement with the people who participate in these networks ‘Clicks’ have become less interesting as a performance indicator than ‘Action’.  

Disturbing is the automated activity of web robots that purposely manipulate in these social networks public opinions using popular hashtags; for instance in political processes. While hackers have shown the security vulnerability of emails and with their actions force people and organizations to use encrypted messaging tools instead that have a high level of security. With a massive cyber attack (DDoS) hackers were this week able to knock down even major websites in the US like Twitter, Paypal, Spotify and Reddit via Internet connected home devices.

Reputations try to survive in this digital labyrinth where at the same time the string of harmful revelations about organizations’ ethical behavior and management has not ended yet. In the meantime the new era of digital personalization has started that will have even more impact on people and organizations active online.

The era of personalization

We have entered this new era where the technology offers new opportunities we did not have before. But it also creates tantalizing dilemmas on security and privacy and ethical behavior.

Self-learning machines try driven by persuasive technologies to predict the needs and desires of people before they know it. Often with the purpose to make these computing machines optimal customer driven in a way the best salesperson envies.

Triggered by trade-offs, the exchange of personal information for benefits is trying to get a new equilibrium. Customers who want Internet services for free have became a product themselves, often without fully realizing. The resistance against Facebook, Twitter and Google on privacy issues is steadily growing, even after they have signed the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework.

Engaging customers to gain loyalty with convincing stories to justify, have outplaced the phenomenon of key messages for specific target groups. A new script with new wording embedded in metaphors, is introduced in the field of communication and marketing to achieve better online conversion results and higher returns. The quest for humanlike ways to deliver digital service has become an ongoing process. Conversations with customers are part of it, although this time through automated chatbots.

Self-learning communication choreographies

It has become clear, new online communication choreographies are needed to deal with these challenges. Humanizing data is essential to start with in the pursuit of relevant and distinctive personal engagement. The sciences of human behavior will have a strong revival in this. The theories they have developed in the old days seem to be still very valid.

Data science together with behavior science and communication expertise will be the new foundation on which good reputations have to be built in the digital platforms of today. It's a new triangle that has to be constituted in order to succeed.

Two types of ‘machine learning’ are relevant in this. First there is  ‘Supervised Learning’; this is to predict the future through learning from the past examples. And secondly comes ‘Reinforcement Learning’; the online and ongoing interaction between an organization and people online as the mayor source of learning.

We have developed self-learning (algorithm) choreographies for stakeholder and customer communications in conjunction with outstanding data scientists and scientific support. With cutting edge personalization software they can provide ongoing insights in people's behavior online while respecting privacy, through dynamic data analysis of the interactions with them; they can select ongoing the best personalized communication contents and they are iterative. So these choreographies can enhance and protect brand, organization and their reputations in the digital maze of today.   

If you are interested to learn how to develop with your team humanized self-learning algorithms in stakeholder or customer communication, supported by science, please let us know and we might help you.


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