Why are ratios so important when building a business?
Derek Springett
Chief Executive Officer at Harbour and Associates Management Services (Pty) Ltd
Last week I talked about a client who is building his company on bad business instead of good business and I briefly mentioned some performance ratios that he needed to achieve in order to get things on the right path.
So, if I know nothing about his particular industry, how can I tell him what he should and should not be doing?
The answer is in the ratios. There are very few different types of business. Let's take a look.
Now, because of who we are, we find ourselves servicing mostly the first two of the above types. So, over the years, I've become familiar with the ratios that lead to decent profits. Here they are:
Service companies.
Of course, there's more to business than just these margins, but if your margins are wrong, no amount of management will lead to success. As I mentioned to that same client. It's all about the numbers!