Why Be Productive?
If we could print all the advice on productivity from the Internet, books, podcasts, youtube, etc., and stack the pages to form a tower, we would have a tower high enough to reach Mars. But that won't be a productive use of our time (pun intended) ??.
So if we want to spend our time productively, we must first ask ourselves, not the how’s but the why’s.
Why be Productive?
I have written several posts on how to be productive. The tips cover productivity for individuals (1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8,?9) and teams (1,?2,?3). And yet, I never answered why.
It is what I want to address today.
I don’t think we want to be productive because we want to get more done or we want more time back. We have other means to do so. It’s something else.
I believe?we want to be productive so we can achieve our highest potential.
That's it.
We all have the potential and often feel like we are not reaching it when we feel unproductive. We say to ourselves,?"I could have completed so much if I was more productive."?
That's a feeling of regret. A feeling that we didn't achieve our fullest potential because we were unproductive. And it's not a surprise that we all hate that feeling.
We all want to?minimize feeling regret?by being more productive to achieve our highest potential.
And that's?why?I think we all want to be productive.
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