Why Product Selling is a losing strategy
Why Product Selling is a losing strategy
1) Every Product has an Outcome
2) The Outcome transforms the life of the customer
3) The customer wants a transformed life
4) And that is what that matters to him
5) The product is just a means
6) Just a medium
7) And we spend an entire lifetime selling products
8) In the world of investing this happens all the time
9) The real purpose of investing is not returns
10) The real purpose of investing is what returns can do for you
11) Even Nike, Coke and Apple don't sell Product
12) Have you seen an Apple Advertisement ever selling product?
13) So let us look at a few transformations that money management can provide
14) It can provide Financial Freedom. Life life your way and at your pace
15) It can help you live a life of exploration. Go Globe trotting
16) It can get you your dream car
17) It can get you your dream profession - your dream of becoming a Pilot
18) It can ensure you will never run out of money
19) It can fulfil your deep desire - Telling your Boss to get lost
20) It can get you back family time that you have been missing
21) You need no longer live out of a suitcase. Instead wake up at home every day
22) Human desires have no limits
23) But every desire is an experience, a feeling
24) Money is just a medium but not the goal
25) One of the key rules of marketing is to establish a connection with a deep human emotional desire
26) Because Dil Hai Ke Maanta Nahi
27) The road to the heart has some beautiful milestones like "No Haggling", "no discounting", "super premiums" and "tons of Love & Goodwill
I rest my case