Why Product Management Matters
Sequent Learning Networks
Empower your product managers with customized training, diagnostics, and advisory from Sequent Learning.
In the business climate of the twenty-first century, companies must hone their operations to become more strategic, agile competitors. The best approach to achieving this goal is through enhanced utilization of the function of product management.
If you asked 20 people to define 'product management', you’d probably get 20 different answers.?Imagine asking those people what product managers are supposed to do, and you’ll probably get many more answers. Further, if you asked those 20 people about the most important attributes of a well-run product organization, you’d get more responses than you could process. From my standpoint, this is unacceptable.
Let’s start out with a definition of product management:?
Product management is the systemic, holistic business management of products. As a note, a product is anything that’s sold, whether tangible, intangible, or a combination of both.?
Let’s raise this just a little more by saying “product management is the business management of products.”
It’s time for leaders to focus on the fortification of the “infrastructure” of product management (the function) – and on the cultivation of the product management talent pool. Yes, as with any major corporate initiative, it falls on senior leaders to strengthen the function of product management.
I’m sure that most of you have developed powerful experiences as managers and leaders.?To reinforce this, my research suggests that most corporate leaders have deep functional experience and less in product management. This means that cross-organizational cognizance (as in goings-on across the business) is not as vital as I think it should be.?
Why is this important??To coach and develop product managers, you must possess the wherewithal to view the organization vertically and horizontally.?This perspective is vital to fortify product management's shape, structure, and function.
Most of you have witnessed the effects of new strategies, leadership changes, organizational realignments, and other structural adjustments. Therefore, many corporate changes and reorganizations are fraught with challenges and unfulfilled expectations. In such cases, the changes have impacts that include the following:
In the face of all of this, I believe senior leaders can be a force for positive change by properly aligning and strengthening the function of product management in their organizations.
Although the product management function is included on the organization chart in many companies, the roles and expectations relegated to product managers tend to vary widely.
From my experience in the field, I’ve found that companies often confuse product development, project management, and product management functions.?
How you perceive product management is likely affected by the processes you’re most familiar with or your company's business model. In other words, your view of product management is generally shaped by what you know and have done.?
No matter how you view it, the important thing to remember is that product management is a function, not a job title within the organization.
When product management isn’t properly chartered, aligned, or scoped, you may encounter many challenges in integrating the discipline of product management into an organization as a core capability.?
Therefore, organizational models need to be altered to best support the function of product management and the capabilities of product managers
Senior leaders have no shortage of things to do. They focus on digital transformation, artificial intelligence, employee engagement, etc.?Yet, there is not enough attention paid to product management transformation other than euphemisms like product-led, lean, and other terms designed to make short work out of hard work and applied learning.
Since the launch of my company, Sequent Learning Networks, and its sister company, the Business Acumen Institute, I have continuously collaborated with hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of people. This cast of thousands includes executives, managers, and individual contributors, and most of them work in product organizations.
Aside from giving me a position to conduct business, this situation has provided me with a genuine – and unique – learning laboratory in which a wide scope of ongoing practical research takes place. Through various corporate assessments and diagnostics performed, I have found common characteristics and challenges in product management implementations – namely these:
By learning to recognize these and other related issues, leaders across business functions can effectively discern the common denominators that impact the performance of the corporate product portfolio. Applying this knowledge to the product management organization will help the company become a more active competitor and a talent magnet.
Who doesn’t want that?
Product and Corporate Leader
1 年Well said, Steven. I have encountered these issues throughout my career, and particularly (though not exclusively) at software companies as you noted. The only way to combat this confusion is to "walk the walk"; i.e. make a business analysis of every new product or product feature part of the overall development process. I've also found that a monthly analysis of the product BUSINESS (sales, margins, wins/losses, churn, issues, development status) helps the senior managers to understand what we are supposed to be doing. Not all of them care or even look at it, but that's on them, not me.