Why Process Works
Samuel Mpamugo
Digital Governance Researcher | Executive Coach | Program Monitoring & Evaluation Expert
In modern culture, we are quick to highlight and celebrate success. So, it’s easy to assume that the accolade is the true story of success – this narrative is incomplete. Every success is a product of a process.
Seasoned professionals understand process and submit to it because they know that they would be better for it. Although process can be tough and uncomfortable, these professionals understand its benefits. On process, it is important to have the right perspective and attitude. It helps to understand that the birth canal of process is inevitable if you want to build anything of high worth. The role of process in a success story cannot be over emphasized and here’s why.
Process Refines the Visionary: Once a visionary conceives an idea, process is triggered immediately. Process involves a series of events, situations, people, places, emotions, etc. that must play out for the idea to occur. This process cocktail is designed to not only improve the ideas, but also refine the visionary. Why? It is because who you are when you conceived the idea must go through a mental and emotional growth process to birth the idea. The YOU who conceived the idea will be different from the YOU who births the idea because ideas change you; an idea will refine the visionary through process.
The refinement process can be tough because it means that what used to work for you does not work anymore. Therefore, you will have to change how you think, lead and operate. Many professionals skip the refinement process and as a result, stay on the same level of success for long.
Process Builds Capacity: One benefit of the process journey is built capacity. In process, your mind begins to grow in capacity and your ability to glean insight from your environment is heightened. Your current capacity doesn’t match your dreams – your vision demands that you attain capacity higher than your current state. Process helps you achieve this goal. To succeed, you need more than good intentions and great plans on paper, you must have good capacity to pull off your dreams.
Process Validates Your Ideas: Every business starts with a bunch of wild guesses – assumptions that must be tested. To successfully test your ideas, you must engage the customer development process to confirm customer behavior. That way, you discover what the customers think about your idea. Process reduces or eliminates the damages that result from building a business on guesswork. Your ideas flourish when due process is respected.
Photo by: Laura Adai