Why is this a problem again?
Lately I find myself taking issue with countless articles showing on my feed saying something to the effect: “How To Avoid Procrastination”.?
As if procrastination?—?which, to be crystal clear, simply means to postpone something?—?is always a problem.
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it is. When time is of the essence for you to get some thing important done, it makes perfect sense to explore ways to stay focused on the task at hand.?
Other times, when time is hardly of the essence, we falsely extend the circumstantially harmful nature of procrastination mentioned above to our present desire to take a break, which leads us to the spurious conclusion that to take a break is bad and that we are therefore bad in some sense for wanting to take one.?
There’s a time to push; there’s a time to pull back.
The best way to begin to tell the difference is to relax your presumptions about what the problem by asking yourself: “is this really a problem in the first place?”
You may be find yourself pleasantly surprised and relieved by how often it’s not.?
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it.