WHY, President TRUMP is hated so by the Democrats:
Adam Schiff chairman of an absolute hangman's goal to dishonestly run an Impeachment hearing.
I hope the American People watch and record exactly how completely unfair the Chairman is running his own show, not America's fair play, no one can say a word from the opposing side. OUR SIDE instead of Schiff's and ISRAEL'S.
FOX NEWS, Please rerun the hearings over & over for all to see the true agenda of the DUAL Citizenship coup against US THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. THIS IS A FOREIGN AGENDA.
Adam Schiff, the Enforcer making sure that those in Congress that accept Campaign financing from AIPAC, & Israeli organizations comply with the demands from those special interest groups. TRUMP can not be bought by them, or any one else.
Trump's goal is to "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" and that it is not turning us into THE UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL. Hillary Clinton is Israel's Wonder Women that if elected would have turned us into an annexed property of the Zionist Syndicate.
The plan has been to Colonize us, like they have done with the Democrat Party. We will be at WAR with Israel before we lose our Constitutional & Human rights.
Imagine what it would be like if Hillary had won the Election. Imagine that, No Thanks. It would be no different if Mayor Bloomberg ran for President, he is part of the 2 % Elites, That are the Zionist Russian Jews,