Why PPP Trade Programs Like To Start Small (as in >500 Million).

Frequently a client will come to me with multiple billions in cash or instrument assets, wanting to put these into a Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Program (PPP). However, in general the traders prefer to start a client off with >500-Million Euro/USD amount, to allow the client and the trader to determine how well they will work together. Once the relationship established is positive, additional funds can always be added to increase the amount being used for trading. Some programs start with 100-Million minimum, but the sweet spot for the trader is up to 500-Million.

Besides having the authentic assets which might be usable, and the client being acceptable by the trading organization, the next most important piece is to build a relationship with a trader. A prospective client, no matter what size or who they may be, can get better results being cooperative, collaborative and conscientious. Because the trading relationship, particularly at the top of the trading “mountain”, requires complete openness, the foundational relationship is a starting point. 

These PPP programs are basically customized each time they are engaged to fit the program criteria as well as the client. Bespoke contracts are developed between the traders and the clients. It is not a “cookie-cutter” type of business, and each contract is unique because of this. 

I have also learned that good behavior and a pleasant personality go a long way to build that important relationship. A client is a guest in the house of the trader and needs to operate with that in mind. I have had traders turn down clients merely because they were demanding and inflexible, or their personality isn’t collaborative. All of this assumes the client is actually financially and personally qualified.

The point of starting a trade relationship with the amount being smaller than the available amount which the client has, is to make certain that this relationship will be successful. Best behavior is essential, amongst the other components that make up the contract.

The financially and personally qualified client who undertakes the process may find themselves successfully in trade, with a newly established relationship with the trader. The object is to go for a long-term relationship that will yield results for years to come. 


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