Why These Posts
Bob Haffeman - PE
Engineer, mentor, author, and consultant. Working since 1977, I understand the need to quickly resolve problems. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Power Systems, Lighting, Grounding and EE Forensics
The short answer: I want to share what I have learned.
The long answer: I never had a mentor. I grew in my engineering profession at a time when people didn’t willingly share their knowledge. I learned the hard way, one mistake at a time. I jokingly tell people that I made every mistake possible. However, I did learn from my mistakes and have made several million dollars. Therefore, I want to give back to the younger generation. By giving back, I mean sharing what works and doesn’t work in engineering and business. Most of what I have learned in business has been from books.
When I graduated high school in 1974, I made a goal to read a book a month. At first, it was tough. Some months, I didn’t finish a book at all. While in college, reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand took me almost ten months. It’s a long book, for sure. Now, my goal is to finish ten books each month.
I have learned a lot from reading. I have also tried a lot of things and have had huge successes. I often wonder how much more success I could have had if I had a mentor.
I enjoy mentoring those who want to be mentored. It brings me great satisfaction when a mentee lights up and says, “I get it.” Then goes away and does it with success.
I have mentored dozens of young men, most of whom have become leaders in their profession. I made it a goal to mentor several hundred people over the next ten years. Thus, these posts.
These posts are a means to reach out and find people who want to succeed and not have to read 3000 books to reach that success. I have read the books and distilled the information into what works and doesn’t. I know what works because I have done it and succeeded. I also know what works because I have shared these things with my past mentees, and it has worked for them. And it can work for you, too.
My single number one goal is to share the lessons I have learned with as many people as possible, have them apply them, and become successful faster than me. I am nearing the end of my career and hope to have several hundred people use this information and become successful. I will share my second goal in next week’s post.
Yes, I have other goals that advance that number one goal. But I will save that list for future posts.
These posts are not about me making money. I’ve done that. I want to share this information for FREE for all people. I want them to use it, copy it, teach it. My copywrite rule is that I give you permission to “copy right” out of the course material. Copy it and share it with others.
If you believe in “Karma” or “You Reap What You Sow,” then you know where I come from. I will give you this information with a strong emphasis on GIVE. I ask you to use it to become successful and make your millions. I will reap by some other means.
I hope you or someone you know will succeed in using the information in these posts. See you inside.
Next week I will post about my other reasons for making these posts.