Why Polymath

Why Polymath

This is a short write-up on the book “Why Polymath” by Aksinya Staar ?

The subtitle is How multi-specialists revolutionise the way we learn, work and live.? This is a book worth picking up, it is three books in one and, therefore, has something for everyone.? Part history, part why and finally, what and how you can benefit from having polymaths on in your team.?


Aksinya meticulously traces the history of polymaths, encompassing both men and women from all corners of the world, from ancient times to the present. The first third of the book is dedicated to these illustrious profiles. Some are familiar, but the majority are unsung heroes. This section is a testament to the book's comprehensive and respectful approach.?

The conclusion from all these profiles is that a polymath is someone who:-

  • Is driven by an insatiable curiosity about a variety of disciplines and skills
  • Encompasses all three dimensions? of breadth, depth and integration
  • Desires in-depth knowledge of how the world operates in order to gain a bigger picture and contribute to its ongoing transformation.

I find this definition particularly appealing (bias warning) as it resonates with my own identity. In the next third of the book, Aksinya delves into the intricate workings of a polymath's mind. On page 250, she delves into the specifics of Dialectical Thinking —a stage where many polymaths, including myself, find themselves in their research and contemplation, guided by three fundamental principles…

  • that the world is mutable: reality is a process of change. What is true now will soon become untrue.
  • everything is a contradiction. Contradiction underlies the dynamics of change.? Contradiction is constant because change is constant.
  • interconnectedness (or wholeness) is all that matters, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The parts matter only in relation to the whole.

The final third of the book is different again. It is about how you can apply this insight to your business and team. How can you identify a polymath, where are they of value to your organisation, and what skills do they bring that others don’t?? A polymath will

  • Anticipate and rapidly adapt to change
  • See your paradigm from a different perspective
  • Encourage critical thinking and bringing better options to the table
  • Innovate naturally, not because we ask them to
  • Self-motivated and lifelong learners

There is a final part, which is something you will have to buy the book to read.? Thank you, Aksinya, for taking the time to write this.??

Here is a visual summary of the book from the brilliant Darragh Power ?

Aksinya Staar

?? P??????? M???s?? S???????s? | Author | S?????? | F?????s? | Advisor

4 个月

Thank you, Tony, What a testimonial! It's interesting to see which parts you found most inspiring. And the ending... now I'm intrigued to read it again myself! :)

Darragh Power

In my element helping you be in yours | Changemaker | Sketchnotes

4 个月

An amazing book, succinctly synthesised - well worth reading!


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