Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
1 .Dear readers we as a Nation are having least regards for human value, parents care, children brought up , & unity, faith discipline are our major weaknesses. See the political leadership who are highly arrogant &unruly, look at the administration, judiciary, police, bureaucracy, unruly parliament and most honest but helpless head of State and highly worried head of Govt. There is hardly any department where things have shown any improvement despite introduction of so to say institutional /organizational reforms . So much so that the poorer one is, the most outlaw he would be? Middle and upper class are highly self-centered, greedy and opportunist and some of them remain involved in power grabbing pursuits, they are least bothered for down trodden masses. Opposition, mafia, criminals , underground money handlers and privileged money launderers want terrible chaos in Pakistan so that they are not taken to task for loot/plunder/illegal profiteering by NAB/FIA/FB. That is the problem of governance in Pakistan which PTI or no political party can resolve. Under such environments & with ta very big mouth media we cannot see any light at the end of tunnel to see our Country getting out of foreseeable Corona Disaster ?
2. Aforesaid in view it may be determined that there is hardly any urge in locals and political parties to fight against Corona as a Nation in a coherent manner. Corvid on the other hand is getting out of control at an exponential speed. In our neighborhood the uncontrolled outburst of world’s deadliest pandemic is surging with unprecedented speed. It is matter of time (any minute we may get the same situation here in Pakistan, because as compared to India we are most careless people in SA region who are ruthlessly misbehaving in the opposite direction, when asked to exercise restraints, use mask or maintain social distance. Main reason is QULU –WASHRABU &NUSHE KARU (KHAO-PEO-SOJAO).Amid this prevailing culture, confusion, lawlessness &conspiracies we have to save /secure our Nation on war footing. Law enforcing agencies along with paramilitary and regular Army who has the resources, trained manpower, organized system, strict discipline, proper communication, best transport and well written well-coordinated & tested SOPS & human intelligence network to report complete picture with speedy suggestions for prevention and fastest approach to arranging cure in case of any disaster/calamity.
4. Assistant required from Pak Army can be divided into following categories:-
- Passive Measures. Assist police, Rangers and paramedical staff in getting the people tuned up to follow strict passive measure to prevent spread of Corona. Oversee what are the bottlenecks in the enforcement of preventive & curative measure against preventing Covid spread. Collect data and communicate to the …………..designated centers for control and remedial measure.
- Ensure that all paramedics are properly vaccinated (data collection) besides ensuring that the labour class goes on work daily.
- Collect data of hospitals deficiencies, efficiency and tumbling blocks as well as miscreants and medicine black marketers.
- They must open facilitation /coordination /monitoring centers/cell at prominent locations and earmark the areas where extended wards/isolation centers can be established such as colleges/schools/ mosques/university hall and sports indoor facility centers for emergency use.
- Active Measure. Get ready for the worst situation beforehand and implement orders and instruction to ensure lockdown is observed in true spirit.
- Assit hospitals in timely arranging, transportation of oxygen tanks, extra beds, ventilators and other emergency equipment as per CNOC plan/policy. Blocking all roads which lead to recreation centers/markets and crowded places & affeced areas to deny people /customer entry.
- Ensuring vaccination campaign is continued and followed in letter and spirit (collect data age wise/categories wise). Likewise implementing strict exit/ entrance control from all customs, air, land& seaports.
- Most Important is isolate Serious corona patients from their attendants. Govt should arrange serving food to the Corona patients in hospitals. Allowing none else in the hospital premises except watching through glass windows from safe distance.
- All corona cases be discouraged to come to hospital, except only those whose X-Ray/MRI test show complications be admitted in the hospital. Use traffic drones Mosque loudspeakers and handheld megaphones for announcement. Ensure that labour class get earning of their livelihood under safe environments.
- Controlling move of people public and private transport judiciously.
- All roads to restricted areas and dangerous markets be closed with barriers to avoid customers approaching those areas and making huge rush.
- All mortuaries, grave yards, diabody collection vans/ambulances must be isolated away from the corona live patients careers.
- Arrange meals on wheels for the far flung areas.
- Arrange fastest Corona protection equipment /medicines and other stores related with the Covid 19 precautions . prevention and cure.
- Mobile vaccination teams must be spread in the entire city and mobile testing units in every major locality & surroundings be made more vigilant and effective.
- Imposition of Curfew & Undertaking Emergency Services. This would be the state of affairs when the rate sickness is over 25% or above then the Nation would leave all other activities and May day call would be issued. Army role would be as follows:-
- Impose Strict curfew as per the sanding practices in use.
- Vacate all routes and ways to hospital, mortuary, graveyards, and airports.
- Allow logistic transportation, maintain oxygen supply through purchasing from industrial use manufacturers as well as local suppliers.
- Safeguard Power house, Grid stations& local Supply of electricity.
- Ensure that faulty equipment is immediately reported, instantly repaired & returned to hospital.
- Use all defense resources in Aid of Civil Powers with tacit approval from competent authorities.
5 .Miscellaneous Measures. As follows:-
- Close all courts for two months. Send political prisoners' home on bail? This would releve the Govt. But ECL must be maintained.
- Close National Assembly till budget session ,this will reduce harassments by the NA & Senate members .
- Start Covid Bulletin on Radio & TV immediately on all Channels simultaneously. All billboards must have corona SOPs displayed. All mosque must have SOPs pasted in the mosques.
- In the current budget keep sufficient funds for buying vaccine and necessary equipment.
- Make railway waging converted into hospitals on crash programme basis.
- Place demand for sugar Atta and veg oil, dry milk etc so that there is no shortage of consumer goods