Why Ping Exists
Not long ago, the Internet was a place of anonymity by default. Lacking a method of universal security based upon identity, corporations were forced to isolate their networks from the Internet, placing everything of value behind firewalls so as to keep their users, data and applications secure. In this world, everything that was presumed good, known and trusted was placed into a ‘green zone’ inside the corporate network and separated from the unknown and untrusted world outside -- otherwise known as ‘the Internet.’
This balkanized method of security worked for a while, and then the world changed… and entropy took over.
Beginning in 2006, the rise of SaaS began shifting applications from the corporate data-center to the cloud, effectively bypassing the enterprise firewall. This move was quickly followed with the introduction of the smartphone, and users followed these new mobile devices off the corporate network, introducing the BYOD problem and effectively bypassing what remained of the corporate controls for security of endpoints.
In 2015, driven by cost reduction and the rise in availability of cloud infrastructure such Amazon Web Services & Microsoft Azure, enterprises are now turning down data-centers at an increasingly alarming rate, moving some portion of their remaining applications to the public cloud and saving billions in the process. When this last shift completes, we will have lived the trifecta of migrations. Our old paradigm of security will have been rendered essentially obsolete, the firewall an abandoned artifact of the cold war era in cybersecurity, and we will have ushered in the beginning of a new era of control and security based entirely on identity.
Enter Ping Identity
Founded in 2002, Ping Identity’s singular vision has been to put identity at the center of security in a world without borders. For over a decade, Ping has worked tirelessly to establish the foundation of this vision, open identity standards that could one day secure all users, devices, networks and applications around a single unifying paradigm of control, identity.
Today, Ping Identity has emerged as the leading provider of identity defined security and access management solutions in a world dominated by cloud infrastructure and mobility. Our solutions secure over 1 billion identities, protecting some of the world’s most critical assets while enabling secure access to any application from any device.
While others follow our lead, no one matches our depth of expertise, quality or flexibility when it comes to identity. We believe identity is infrastructure, not an app, and it’s our mission to give enterprises the solutions they need to secure this new world. After 13 years, our work is only beginning and we continue to lead and inspire with ideas that promise to transform our connected world.
Our Vision
A world secured through identity
Our Mission
To enable the right people to access the right things, seamlessly and securely
Identity is the new perimeter.