Why Physical Appearance Is So Important?
Enlightened people know that physical attractiveness or beauty is not important. However, if a person's hair is not combed and his or her clothes are scruffy, or he or she slouches, these are pretty fair indications of how that person feels about himself or herself, and these aspects of that person's appearance provide some insight into that person's personality (if not his or her character).
So, the answer is: "Yes, looks and physical appearance do matter."
Your physical appearance is important enough to make significant changes in your professional and personal life.
It can make you a second choice in any interview process where you are exact match with someone else in other aspects.
It can make you feel less-confident in several situations regardless of how much comfortable do you feel under your skin.
Looks matter a lot in many situations. If you look good, you feel good. Every person wants to look his best. Physical appearance does affect your overall personality. Those who are fortunate to be born beautiful or handsome have the edge over others in their public dealings.
People all over the world spend millions of dollars to look good. They undergo plastic surgery, visit the beauty parlor regularly, and undergo herbal treatments to improve their physical appearance.
Why so?
Why One Needs to Look Good?
To impress people in social situations.
To look best in the workplace, where one deals with the public. For example, film stars have to look gorgeous and handsome.
A physically attractive person attracts a lot of people.
It helps in building up relationships.
A handsome boy attracts a lot of girls.
Similarly, beautiful girls are much sought after.
I think a good photographer can make anybody look amazing – and that’s what I try to achieve.
Everybody has a beauty to them and you have to try to capture it.
As I said, put them in the right light at the right angle in the right moment.
That’s also why a lot of you say I mostly shoot thin girls, but it’s also because I am very conscious of the way I shoot people and try to have them look their best – they are not all skinny, believe me ;)
For unphotogenic people, it just takes more love and more time :)
Figure out your best profile.
We all have one. It’s usually the left one.
Know which one is which and it changes EVERYTHING.
You can ask a friend to take a few pictures to figure it out because it’s hard to do it with a mirror.
Once you’ve found it, use and abuse it.
Celebrities do that all the time. If I am ever interviewing one, she’ll say to me, “Do you mind if I sit on this side instead? It’s my good side!” and they should – it’s their job to look good. I, on the other hand, have to say ok! and sit on my bad profile side. Oh well ;)
Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for?general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank?you ...Physical appearance does matter in a relationship. In a marriage, the partners need to take care of themselves physically to sustain their relationship. Many women face marital problems as they go out of shape after having children.
Those women who take care of their physical appearance have a better rapport with their partner.
It boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. One feels very reassured when other people admire them and prefer to associate with them as they find them very attractive.
In certain professions, looks make a lot of difference.
A model has to look his or her best. A good-looking salesperson can get noticed quickly.
A pleasing face is nice to look at. People like to relax in the presence of beautiful things. A pleasant face can relax the mind. Those with an aesthetic sense like to admire beautiful people and things.
An attractive physical appearance enhances personality. It is an added advantage.
Want to add word or two?
A physically attractive person, who is well-groomed, can impress upon people. A handsome politician can draw the attention of the masses, although, of course, he also has to be a man of substance. For example, former president John F. Kennedy was known for his looks, although he was an astute politician as well. Looks enhanced his public image.
Every person desire to look good. He or she spends a lot of time trying to look his or her best. A handsome man or a beautiful woman is much admired in society.
And there are some very beautiful people which are very shy as well and therefore they just do not attract attention and vice versa; less-pretty people with a lot of self-confidence and self-esteem who just attract people and are well liked because of their personality.
Your comments …?
If the media stopped publishing barbie-like stereotypes who tell us how we should look like, other values like intelligence or kindness would be given more importance, which they deserve.
It doesn’t mean that you need to be handsome/beautiful in terms of features but the way you present yourself. This is how a person will be perceived and believe it or not, human beings tend to treat another person based on how they present himself/herself.
Good looks are THE BEST thing one could ever have. Things like personality, talent, being charitable are nice but are completely dismissed without looks. Princess Diana was below mediocre in talent, and her charity work was a farce meant for publicity. Yet, the whole world cried more at her death than Mother Teresa.
People cannot help it. They treat good looking folks far superior for very average accomplishments. If you are good looking life is made for you. To be clear good-looking people also have troubles and difficulties, but they get way more sympathy and assistance simply for their looks.
People misses all aspects of people all together being caught up in a superficial world and were god is totally upset with the vain and evil these days how people treat one another based on how they look. I thank god for giving me an infirmity that makes me look different but got my heart and mind prepared for jesus.so i hope good looks don’t take your soul.
I agree that it’s important to feel good… But sometimes the thing holding you back is what you see in the mirror. Sometimes that alone is the reason for someone to be unhappy… I’d say the best solution is to be what you think is beautiful yourself, and not expect it from others because they will have their own idea of beautiful. I think it’d be best if everyone stopped and thought “What do I wish to look like?”
Don’t let media or anything cloud your judgement, because your judgement on yourself is more important than theirs.
Think about the things you know you can change and what you can do to make those changes… And on top of that, build on your own personality.
?It’s like clay waiting for you to shape it, so shape it.
You want to sing, go ahead and start practicing. You want to write? Start writing in a journal, notebook… If people would realize it, they’d see that their own body and mind is their very own, and very precious canvas, and whatever message they want to show the world, they can show it through themselves.
?The “dream you” everyone has been impossible, it just appears that way, but the only way to get there is by working at it…
Is your dream you a teacher?
A doctor?
Maybe a musician?
?People forget that there is so much they can be, and that’s what it is to truly be beautiful. It’s by being the best YOU that you can be, because no one in the world can do that for you…
In short, looks are equally important to personality and vice versa, because through both of them you show who you really are. The “dream you” is more than just looks, and more than just personality, it’s both… And it’s going to take hard work to get there… But if there’s a will, there will always be a way.
What would happen to a person who has been distinctively attractive all their life, and then came out of a car accident with a burnt face and couldn’t afford plastic surgery?
I reckon If they relied purely upon their looks to give them happiness in life, this would be a very sad event indeed.
Personally, I believe that looks and personality are both attractive. However, the latter is what people around you are going to deal with for the rest of your life but no matter how good someone looks now, they will soon be old, wrinkly and physically dull.
In a way I agree with you but as you say this, don’t say that the only reason you would like someone is because they are smart and kind.
While those traits DO play a role, beauty plays a role as well. of course, beauty cannot be defined because like they say “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but looks do matter in a relationship.
Yes, many people will define beauty in different ways and maybe their definition will be based mostly on personality. But everybody is attracted to someone because of their looks and you can’t really deny that. We all do it and that’s just the way humans are.
Though we try not to base our decisions on something as trivial as looks, it’s a natural instinct, something we simply cannot help. I know you made this comment years ago, but i was looking up why physical appearance is important.
Humans are social animals.
We live in a society where we will be judged 99% based on how we
If we are poor and can’t afford plastic surgery and are born
with shitty genetics we are going to have a shitty life, period.
Again, we are social creatures, much of our happiness is derived from
our social relationships, and our social relationships are determined by how we look.
Basically, the name of the game is be born with good genetics or have a difficult time finding a job and had emotional problems (usually resulted from social problems) and have an over all shitty life.
Which brings me to my next thought, if, as a society, we punish people just for how they are born (in how we treat them).
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年While those traits DO play a role, beauty plays a role as well. of course, beauty cannot be defined because like they say “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but looks do matter in a relationship. Yes, many people will define beauty in different ways and maybe their definition will be based mostly on personality. But everybody is attracted to someone because of their looks and you can’t really deny that. We all do it and that’s just the way humans are.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年Though we try not to base our decisions on something as trivial as looks, it’s a natural instinct, something we simply cannot help. I know you made this comment years ago, but i was looking up why physical appearance is important. Humans are social animals. We live in a society where we will be judged 99% based on how we look. If we are poor and can’t afford plastic surgery and are born with shitty genetics we are going to have a shitty life, period. Again, we are social creatures, much of our happiness is derived from our social relationships, and our social relationships are determined by how we look. Basically, the name of the game is be born with good genetics or have a difficult time finding a job and had emotional problems (usually resulted from social problems) and have an over all shitty life. Which brings me to my next thought, if, as a society, we punish people just for how they are born (in how we treat them)