Why is personal health literacy so important?
Kunta Gautam, PhD, NP, MPH
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/ Founder/ Adjunct Faculty
CDC defines personal health literacy as “the degree to which individuals can find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others” (CDC.gov)
The new focus on health literacy is more on utilizing health information and making informed decisions. In pediatrics, personal health literacy reflects on the caregivers. The caregivers need to be well informed regarding the following:
1. The cause of the disease: Viral/ bacterial/ secondary onset from other underlying sources.
2.?The expectancy of duration of illness: Contagiousness period/ nature of illness.
3.?Signs and symptoms of worsening of illness: when to know treatment is not working.
4. ER precautions or awareness of when to take their child to the ER: signs of distress related to illness or disease.
5. Home care management: non-therapeutic measures.
Personal health literacy is the least expensive tool to improve health and provide health equity. Health literacy is of paramount importance in any healthcare visit. Primary care providers play a vital role in personal health literacy for patients and caregivers. Suppose caregivers are adequately educated about their child’s illness. In that case, they are more likely to make well-informed decisions, which can save a trip to the nearby Urgent Care or the Emergency Room. Sometimes, healthcare providers take note of the current illness and its onset and, based on their exam, may derive a different plan of care, which may involve multiple tests or imaging that otherwise could have been eliminated. In such situations, if caregivers are aware of the signs to monitor for the progression of the disease, they can be more proactive towards the management. Caregivers will be more aware of using non-therapeutic measures that can be undertaken in a home setting. In addition, health literacy can help caregivers overcome barriers in seeking healthcare and approach available resources.
We come across several writings on the importance of health literacy, especially for vulnerable, ethnic minority groups, but in my opinion, personal health literacy is equally important to every population. Every caregiver, across all races and ethnic groups, needs equal education regarding their child’s disease and illness. We have also seen people who are more prone to misinformation from various search engines. Therefore, personal health literacy is essential to all, and this is the main foundation upon which treatment and management are possible.