Why the people who matter, matter

Why the people who matter, matter

I have learnt the true meaning of treasuring the people around you, those whom you trust and who trust you. I have always understood the value of a supportive inner circle, but it's also when you get to your worst point and at your wit's end (it could be anything - bullies, falsehoods, anonymous naysayers, critics who shame and judge) that you realise that our true from of wealth, lies in the people who will rally for you in their own way. That is probably the single most precious gift you can take with you on your journey of trials, tribulations and triumphs.

They come in all shapes and sizes, all forms, show their support for you in all sorts of ways. Our job is to notice, be aware and be grateful.

  • The ones that give you space, while telling or showing you they are there when you need. And that "you are crazy if you think you need to apologise for backing out of Secret Santa just because you aren't in the right space this season. No apologies needed, because all gatherings are meant to be stress-free."
  • The ones that remind you, you can vent to them.
  • The ones that remind you that you have overcome all other challenges that have come your way till now, this is no exception.
  • The one that tells you “you’ve got this, I respect you”, even as she?goes tides through her experience of doxxing, false 1-star reviews, bullies.
  • The one that tells you that battles post-vaccine fatigue to troop down and physically check on you, calm you down so that you can strategize on your next move with clarity.
  • The one who reminds you there are options, and sits with you and watches you, as you plow through other options.
  • The one who calls you from the airport and checks in with you after she lands, to allow you bounce ideas and sort your thoughts, because everything feels chaotic right at that point.
  • The ones who drop a note of endorsement when you approach them, no questions asked.
  • The ones who have seen you grow in your journey, and remind you, I'm proud of you.
  • The ones who offer what little strength they have. The ones who offer reminders so that you don't forget your own strength. The ones who work through with you to offload your stress responses.
  • The ones who ground you so you can process the trauma response easily and effectively.
  • The ones who refuse to let you dwell in your own whirlpool of self-pity.
  • The ones who will not let you give up.
  • The ones who back you up, just because you are you.

In the chaos of deflecting unwarranted criticism, scrutiny, unfair judgement and unwelcome shaming and when life sometimes feels just too much in life, I tend to forget about what matters and focus only on the bad. At the expense of time and intention that could have been used to connect and build each other up. In my stress response these intense months, I have been focused on my pain and fear, and forgotten that there were so many who surround, support me and want to see me succeed. This is reminder to self to show my appreciation and to focus on the people who matter.

Never underestimate the value of a genuine connection, nurtured and appreciated. Who are these type of people for you? Witness them. Appreciate them. Intentionally and whenever you get the chance.


Welcome to my journey and the stories I have lined up for you. And if that transforms your office, the people, your business just a little bit, I am grateful. Welcome to Undiluted.

#toughconversations #changemanagement #strategyexecution #leadership #selfleadership?

Thank you for reading my newsletter. If this is resonates with you, please subscribe and share the newsletter. I would love to hear if you have any topics around change management, leadership challenges or tough conversations that you want covered - please leave a comment if you do. In particular, tough (including taboo) and human conversations in the modern day-to-day of fintech payments, entrepreneurship, leadership programs, female leaders and femtech, is my passion.

For further areas for consulting around strategy and change management, fintech marketing and communications, or potential collaborations in the above topics, please send me a message with the information so we can discuss more. Thank you!


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