Why People Stay Stuck in Jobs They Hate and Relationships That Drain Them? The Theory of "Contraction and Expansion"
I have a theory I call "Contraction-Expansion." The essence is simple: when we want something, we need to set an intention for it to come into our lives in the best way possible. Then, we need to take aligned actions based on our goals, desires, and intentions.
What happens next? The first stage Contraction begins, and things seem to fall apart. This is where quantum physics comes in: everything is energy. For your life to shift, old energy must clear. Relationships break. Jobs collapse. Things break down. And this is where most people panic and give up. But this is the key moment—don’t stop here.
You may feel like everything is going wrong. You might fight with friends, experience problems at work, get fired, or find things breaking around you. It may seem like nothing is working, and you might feel like giving up. But stop and listen to me: for your desire or intention to manifest, space must be created in your life.
Since quantum physics teaches us that everything is energy, some energy in your current reality needs to be cleared. This is why old structures collapse. For example, if you start having conflicts with friends or colleagues, it might mean these people don’t belong in your new reality.
Here’s an example: Imagine you’re working at a job where your boss doesn’t listen to you, your salary isn’t growing, and your colleagues are gossipers. You see no growth opportunities, so you decide you deserve a better job, salary, boss, and colleagues.
When you set this intention, the Universe says, “Yes!” (By the way, the Universe always says "Yes" to everything.) To give you something new, the Universe must remove what no longer aligns with your future. In this case, uncomfortable situations at work will start happening. These are signs that the Universe is responding to your request.
But if you’re indecisive, the Universe will increase the discomfort level to push you to act. First, you might not get reimbursed for a lunch expense. Then you fight with a colleague over incorrect paperwork. Next, you’re forced to work overtime or denied a long-awaited vacation. These signs are meant to show you it’s time to leave.
However, many people miss these signs and don’t realize they are direct messages from the Universe. (I explain this in detail in my book, The Co-Creation Formula.)
Here’s a real example from my life: I was unhappy with my job and salary but hesitant to leave. Then, out of nowhere, another company found my resume and offered me a job with much better conditions—almost three times the salary. While I was deciding, things escalated. My company’s CEO sent his security team (who later admitted they were not just guards but actual thugs) to intimidate me. I was beaten, humiliated and forced to pay $5,000 to leave that job safely.
When you desire something, be prepared for change in your life. Fights, breakups, and breakdowns are okay—they are part of what I call the Contraction Stage. This is when the Universe clears everything unnecessary to make room for your new reality.
Once the contraction phase is complete, the second stage Expansion begins. This is when you reap the rewards for your effort and patience during the contraction. It’s the stage of miracles and transformation.
Neuroscience shows us that the brain resists change. It’s wired for comfort, even if that comfort comes from toxic environments. This is why people stay stuck in jobs they hate or relationships that drain them—they fear the unknown. But quantum physics teaches us that energy flows where attention goes. By focusing on your intention and taking action, you become a vibrational match for your desired reality.
When things start falling apart in your life—relationships ending, objects breaking, conflicts intensifying—don’t panic. These aren’t random misfortunes. They’re signs that the Universe is responding to your intention. Embrace the discomfort. Step forward boldly.
I found this evidence years later when I committed to changing my life and creating the life I deeply desired, through inner work and subconscious mind reprogramming. I realized the power we hold and how we get to shape our own realities. I was able to quit my corporate job, start multiple businesses, move to Portugal, write books, compose music, and so much more simply because I learned how to rewire my mind and follow my soul’s calling.
UNLOCK app was born from this journey. Unlock app helps you navigate these transformational phases with daily actionable steps, giving you the tools to embrace change and create the life you truly want.
Change is messy, chaotic, and often painful. But it’s the only way to expand into the life you’ve always wanted. So when things start to fall apart, don’t quit. Your new life is just around the corner.