Why are people so against completing statutory mandatory training when coming forward to support the Covid-19 response?

I am seeking to support either my local Trust, or PCN, with the Covid-19 vaccination programme - this will be additional to my core duties which include working on national Covid response programmes. As an NHS employee I maintain my statutory and mandatory training to secure my own safety, that of the patients and staff around me and to ensure the organisation I work for has fulfilled regulatory requirements. In anticipation of being able to support the vaccination programme, I have accessed eL4H and completed the modules identified for vaccinators in order that I am ready when the call comes. Like anyone else, I expect to port all of this training across to the organisation I get to work with when vaccinating. However, I am aware that there are many health care professionals (HCPs), including those that have generously offered to return from retirement, who feel they should not have to do this and I am somewhat perplexed.

Safeguarding is not an optional extra, is it? I thought it was at the heart of what healthcare professionsals seek to do. Surely when giving vaccinations to older, frailer or economically disadvantaged people, is this not a chance to identify someone at risk? Should HCPs not be up to date in national standards and local protocols to refresh on what is required if they identify someone who might need help? Or as they are only vaccinating, does this opportunity not count in the event of a Coroner's Investigation or Serious Case Review?

Is Health and Safety an optional extra? How many HSE investigations are currently live following concerns raised about employers not taking appropriate steps to protect employees in the first wave of Covid. How many people in the building industry have lost work by not complying with their employers risk assessments and mitigations since being allowed to return to work? Most vaccination centres are being set up outside of normal health care environments, some may be outside with moving vehicles, others will require temporary infrastructure to be moved in halls and possibly even pubs. Surely risk assessements, PPE and mitigation are all good things to have refreshed knowledge of, if not to protect yourself then to protect colleagues and patients?

Everyone thinks they know about Infection Prevention and Control but HAI's remain an issue and do I really have to highlight the importance of getting this right in the current climate? This is not only about protecting yourself, colleagues and citizens from the Covid-19 virus, it is releavant to administering injections and disposing of sharps safely in a dynamic environment. My earlier comment addresses the requirement for employers to fulfill their accountabilities but part of this, is about us, as the workforce, doing our individual bit.

Anaphalaxis and Cardiac Arrest requires immediate action to respond. Ensuring we are up to date with the UK Resuscitation Guidelines optimises the chain of survival? Surely spending a little bit of time ensuring we are clear is worthwhile? Personally, I would rather have clarity of practice at the outset than find myself trying to open an App when the event happens.

The Government has relaxed regulations to support care delivery through the Covid pandemic. That places huge trust in analysts, managers and clinicians alike to ensure Data Security is not compromised or patient confidentiality inaapropriately breached. Ever increasing interoperability of systems, with increased layering of access, means we need to be vigilient if we are to retain public trust and build on this experience for the future. The vaccination programme will have multiple systems working to ensure accurate records of vaccines administered, red flags, yellow cards, safety alerts and logistics. As a patient I would like to know that people know what they are doing with my data and as a clinician, I want to know I am working with people who are alert to the constant cyber attacks designed to bring down NHS systems. Imagine the vacccination programme being paused because everyone decided to click a link?

Oh and while I am at it, did you know an NHS organisation (and every other employer) can have an Executive Officer sent to jail for five years, and the organisation fined an unlimited sum of money, if they employ someone they had reasonable cause to believe they were not able to work legally in the UK? How do you determine reasonable cause if you do not do any checks? It's hardly been a welcoming political environment for overseas workers in our NHS, even those who are already directly targettted and employed by the NHS.

I am no different to anyone else in completing the training - it takes time that is often discretionary, and sometimes tedious. Many of the modules I complete through the assessment only route, only completing the full training module where I know I need to refresh or because I know things have changed. However, I know that it serves a purpose to help protect me, my staff, my patients and my employer. For that reason, I accept it, get on with it and expend the energy I need to rather than wasting huge amounts moaning about it - that said I have just wasted 20 minutes writing this to share my frustration!

Niki Cartwright

Director of Vulnerable People’s Services, BOB ICB

4 年


Paritosh Desai

Director of Operations & Performance - WWL NHS FT

4 年

It is not about completing mandatory training. The issue is that the volunteers are asked again and again and again to complete the same set of training etc. For example in wave 1, I completed two sets of training, two sets of DBS and numerous phone & skype interviews. Also completed additional training modules plus paid my own GMC fees and yet the system said - thank you but no thank you! That is what a lot of people are frustrated about. Of course, I am not one for giving up and since have volunteered to vaccinate and have completed a shed load of online stuff in my own time.

Hi Liam as someone who has now managed at last to complete the application process I can only share my own experience which is one of utter frustration and disbelief. I absolutely appreciate the sentiment of your post however as someone else says, you actually have to complete 20hrs plus training before you actually can apply. Normally you do stat and mand training once you are employed and in work time (theoretically at least). The application "form" isnt very clear which also led to me doing modules I didnt need to do plus some of the basics I am upto date on but my RCN certs don't count! I think most people are happy to do it (though I still question the relevance of some things), its timing, content and a potential barrier to perfectly good candidates. Thankfully today I received an email saying its being revised-too late for me but good for others.

Eithne Hodgson

Director at Hodgson Heathcare Planning ltd

4 年

I think there is a lot of frustration from staff who already do the necessary mandatory training for their current roles and this training (if up to date) is not transferable and they are expected to do it again with the time this takes and doing their current day job.


