Why People Prefer Problems They Cannot Solve
Philip Liebman, MLAS
CEO, ALPS Leadership | CEO Leadership Performance Catalyst | Executive Leadership Coach | Author |Thought Leader | Speaker |
Early in my coaching career with CEOs, I learned that most problems are subjective. People view problems differently, sometimes very differently. Problem-solving skills
By definition, problems are things or situations we view as unwelcome, harmful, inconvenient, or otherwise requiring action to change or fix. A useful axiom suggests the problem you name is the problem you solve. Put another way, problems don't exist until you define them and exist precisely in how you do.
Problems are a matter of perspective and are inherently neither good nor bad. One person's problem is often another's opportunity. Where you sit relative to any given problem informs your perspective. My leaking roof is a welcome problem to a roofer who is all too glad to repair it for me. The purpose of business is to solve your customers' problems, either because they can't or choose not to and can afford to hire someone else to do the work.
The COVID-19 pandemic was an enormous problem affecting millions worldwide, yet some profited enormously. Then, there are things people consider good problems to have, such as being accepted to several top colleges and needing to choose one. Not every challenge you face is a problem that needs solving. Sometimes, it's just a choice you do not want to make.
Problems are a function of observation and perception, a product of your intellect and imagination. Consider the philosophical question of whether a tree falling in the woods makes a sound if nobody is there to hear it. It's like earthquakes, which are natural phenomena. They tend to be a problem when they impact populated areas. But what about the ones that occur in remote, uninhabited locations?
The earthquake, which you have no control over, isn't the problem. Once we understand where these fault lines exist and the associated risks, the problem is where you choose to live, which is entirely in your control. Many problems people face are simply the result of the choices they make
People prefer problems they cannot solve over solutions they do not like.
There is great wisdom in the view that we do not see things as they are; we see them as we are. If you are unprepared or unwilling to do what is necessary because it makes you uncomfortable, you will suffer from problems you could solve or avoid altogether.
When you muster the courage to embrace solutions you don't like