This Is Why People Love Python

This Is Why People Love Python

Why do you love Python?

Python is Easy to Learn

One of the biggest advantages of Python is that it is easy to read because it is a high-level programming language — it reads quite like English. ... Overall, Python is much easier to learn than most programming languages and makes a great first programming language

There are infinite of reasons people fall in love with Python. I am in a good position to answer this question, for I started learning programming through Python, and I am not sure I would have started loving programming were it any other language, like C++, or God prohibit, Java! Here's the reasons why I absolutely love Python:

1. Clean Syntax

I cannot stress enough how beautiful it feels to code in Python because of its neat flawless syntax. There are no braces for you to keep on constant balancing, white spaces and tabs automatically do it for you (if you are using a Python editor like Idle, just like Eclipse automatically puts braces in Java). There are no semicolons to remember, no type safety to constantly bug you (although type safety does introduce a rigor useful while debugging). If someone is used to coding in JavaScript, he will appreciate how much time can be saved when you don't need to worry about semicolons!

2. Awesome Libraries

Whatever project you are doing, whatever module you need, be it on image processing, or quick vector arithmetic, or natural language processing, or web scraping, about anything, and Python has all the libraries you need. These libraries come with excellent documentation, and much more popular, leading to much more visibility in coding forums like Stack Overflow, so that you will find it painless to use. Nobody can appreciate this more than me, learning GWT was a sorry pain.

3. Nice OOP Support

Among the scripting languages, Python has perhaps the closest to ideal Object oriented programming support, next only to PHP. It doesn't support encapsulation like PHP, that might be a drawback, but other than that, it is pretty neat and standardized. People who have had a nightmarish experience while doing OOP in Perl, or a clumsy experience while doing so in JavaScript in a part-prototypical -part-classical way, they will just love it.

4. Awesome Shortcuts

Closures, first class functions just like JavaScript, list inclusion , lambda functions, array reduction, etc. Python is absolutely fun to code!

Why Data Scientists Love Python

The numbers don’t lie. According to recent studies, Python is the preferred programming language for data scientists. They need an easy-to-use language that has decent library availability and great community participation. Projects that have inactive communities are usually less likely to maintain or update their platforms, which is not the case with Python.

What exactly makes Python so ideal for data science? We examined why Python is so prevalent in the booming data science industry — and how you can use it for in your big data and machine learning projects.

One of the best Experience for "Python is too easy"

  • I have been learning Python for past 1 Year as my first language, i had basic knowledge of C but not much.
  • And i started programming in Python and i love it, but most of the people says Python is very easy because of its readable syntax and don't appreciate the work.
  • Classmates and teachers kind of forcing me to learn C,C++ and Java, am not getting that respect for coding in Python what others gets for doing same thing in Java or C++.
  • And in my college all algorithms and concepts are taught using C++, its kind of Anti-Python society am living in.
  • Does it happens with anyone else? I feel low sometimes for coding in Python. Do let me know if such posts are not allowed.

Thank you for Reading.

Recommended links :

  1. where-can-I-learn-Python-easily
  2. Python-programming-language
  3. Python an easy language to learn
  4. Programming with Python: Hands-On Introduction for Beginners
  5. Python Language Introduction
  6. 10 Things To Know About Python.

Useful Tags

python programming, data scientist, machine learning, credo systemz


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