Why people don't hear your Apology.
Cherri Forsyth Coaching
Life Coach: I equip people, from various backgrounds, with the tools to deal with challenges they experience in life.
Have someone ever apologised to you, and yet you feel that they didn't really mean it, they weren't sincere, and they didn't really care about what they had done? If so then you need to read this article.
There are 5 languages of Apology according to Gary Chapman ( of the 5 Love Languages fame) and Jennifer Thomas. If someone is apologising and it isn't having the desired effect, it may be that they are apologising in THEIR language, not YOURS. So it almost as if you are German speaking, and they are apologising to you in French!
According to Chapman and Thomas here are the 5 languages of Apology:
Expressing regret : I am so sorry.
Accepting Responsibility: I was wrong.
Making Restitution: What can I do to make it right?
Genuinely Repenting: I'll try not to do that again
Requesting Forgiveness: Will you please forgive me?
You may speak all 5 languages, but you will have 1 or 2 predominant languages. We are all human, and we all make mistakes. So the need for apology is common. In order for relationships to be healthy, we all need to learn how to apologise and how to apologise in THEIR language, not our own.
If you would like to find out your language of Apology you can either read the excellent book by Chapman and Thomas called The 5 languages of Apology. You can also take an Online test ( https://5lovelanguages.com) to help you determine your language- and then practice it and use it. If we can all learn how to apologise well, imagine what a wonderful place the world would be?