Why people are afraid of lawyers in tier 3-4 location
Most people from tier 3 and 4 locations don’t tend to trust lawyers much. Well, it is a bitter truth that we lawyers have to accept. For this many services have been done. In a survey by ABA study, it was concluded that 69% of people believe that “Lawyers are more into money than serving justice”. Obviously that is not entirely true. We know that majority of lawyers are dedicated to serving justice for the clients. But this is not something that the general public perceives of us. Now the question is how do we overcome this normal perception of people for lawyers. In doing so the main challenge is to establish a personal connection with potential clients so that they get to know us, sense our passions, and recognize our expertise and ability to serve justice. To mitigate this challenge, we can establish an important connection with our clients and people on the internet. By making a website of your firm and putting up videos helps giving potential clients the opportunity to see your face, hear your voice, read your body language, and develop trust. Being active on social media giving your audience the chance to engage with you, ask you questions, and get to know what you and your firm stand for. Writing articles and blogs that demonstrate that you understand common issues, questions, and concerns facing your clients and that you have the know-how and the passion to help clients solve those problems. Most of our potential clients are not conditioned to trust us but one can use the internet to break down those barriers and establish trust.