Why Pelosi's Gesture Did not Do Good but How We Could Do Good
Pelosi tore his speech up. Then, the minute he heard what he was expected to hear, he tweeted something that is so accurate that it resonates both with those who are on his side, as well as to those who can't stand his guts. Heck, it resonates with leaders of the world!
When Ceausescu died, 30 years ago, I was naive to think that that was it, no one needed anything else to build a new future but their pure hearts. That's the price of being and acting like a sheep. Replace sheep with idiot.
Ceausescu could NOT be erased just as easily we took down his photo from our classrooms' walls (we replaced that with Virgin Mary!) -- just to give one example. The reason is simple and, if you know anything about trauma and abuse, you could easily connect the dots. If you do not, then read and connect the dots. Do the work rather than wait others to do it for you!
Pelosi's act only demonstrates that a rational and decent person has been affected by a man's abusive thinking. Consequently, she acts like him. That's not bold. That's mimesis. Of the lowest kind.
And that just goes to show how we have been trapped since '16. His reign continues. His madness has spread. There is a mask we could out to protect ourselves and that is:
Distance. Distance. Distance.
Do good than be outraged he awarded what to whom, does not know local geography, etc.
Read literature. Take walks. Visit local shelters. There are ways to DISTANCE yourselves from MADNESS and IMMERSE IN GOOD.