Why PDF Expert is the Best Mobile File Editor for You
J. Hoke (Trey) Peacock III
Trial Attorney & Partner at Susman Godfrey LLP
By Trey Peacock, Winning Cases Based On Science & Data For Over 25 Years
Though it may not seem like it now, there will come a day when the coronavirus no longer dominates our professional and social lives. According to some experts, one of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be a continued remote-work and work-from-home culture as companies reckon with the discovery that costly relocation packages and large, fancy office space may no longer be necessary. This trend is already visible in the landscape of American labor. As a result, many professionals are and will be looking for technology solutions to better equip them for the challenges of ‘WFH.’ This article discusses a tool that can help facilitate and improve a common WFH experience: viewing and editing files on a mobile device.
Many applications allow users to edit, view, or scan PDF, word, and image files, but none is as efficient, powerful, and easy to use as PDF Expert for iPad, iPhone, and Android. The app’s many useful features, customizability, and seamless integration into a user’s existing filing system combine to make PDF Expert an easy and effective way to work with documents on a mobile device.
PDF Expert is the best app on the market, in this writer’s opinion, for viewing, editing, annotating, saving, and sharing PDFs on iPhones or iPads. The app boasts a staggering catalogue of features that are easy to understand, easily visibly and useable, and well-integrated into the app’s interface. In terms of viewing files and images, users can choose from full screen mode, which removes unnecessary toolbars and menus, see documents in multiple page view, or use readability mode, in which PDF Expert scans a given file for the readable text and presents it in a cleaner format with all extraneous details or graphics omitted. Additionally, users can take advantage of PDF Expert’s OCR text recognition software to quickly and easily search entire documents for key words or phrases, making it a breeze to quickly find and view the page or file you are looking for. More generally, the app enables users to create PDF files from scratch, and make large changes to existing files, such as combining multiple documents into a single one, adding or removing specific pages, or converting images or text files into PDF format.
Additionally, the annotation features of the app are easy to use and offer unique levels of customization. Though many similar apps, such as Notability, Goodnotes, or Adobe Acrobat Mobile, offer this feature, PDF Expert sports the best combination of editorial and artistic tools. Users can add text boxes with customizable font types, colors, and sizes, and simply drag each one to reposition or resize it on top of the page. Additionally, users can choose the more free-form options of the brush, highlighter, or pencil tools to hand-annotate their documents. Each of these tools can be customized by color, thickness, and opacity. The notes feature of the app also allows users to quickly attach edits or corrections to a given document, or add in images, hyperlinks to other documents or web pages, checkboxes, a “rubber stamp,” or even a recorded soundbite such as a voice memo.
PDF Expert allows users not only to superimpose changes on a given document, but also change the fundamental text and formatting of the original document itself. The app’s advanced OCR technology scans the page, reading the text and layout, and permits users to subsequently make changes to the native document as they please. Users can add or delete words or sentences, highlight specific passages, or change font styles, sizes, and textures with ease using the in-built formatting toolbar. This feature is particularly welcome for those who find themselves needing to quickly make small but necessary changes to important documents on the go. And, when you’re satisfied with the edits you’ve made, the app also contains a “reduce file size” feature, compressing nonessential data within each file in order to make them more easily transferable via email or text.
Finally, and perhaps most useful for professionals and casual users alike, is the app’s Signature function. With a few taps, users can pull up an electronic file such as a lease or contract, and quickly add their own electronic signature to the document. No need for trackpads or a stylus. Simply use your finger to create a signature, then store it in the app’s secure system for later use. For those who share devices with others, the app can store up to four signatures, ensuring each user is able to quickly sign any documents that need their attention.
The power, efficiency and ease of use of PDF Expert makes it worth the download whether you edit files once a month or multiple times a day. PDF Expert also offers a desktop version of the app for use on a Mac. The $49.99 annual subscription fee for the mobile PRO version, which features all the functionality outlined in this article, is high, but the company occasionally offers sales and discounts. Furthermore, if users subscribe to both the Mac and iOS versions, (billed separately due to their release as two separate products), they seamlessly switch between editing their documents on both platforms. The Mac desktop version is available for a further $49.99 as a one-time purchase rather than an annual subscription model. Though competitor apps such as Apple’s native PDF editor Preview offer free use or downloads, they don’t offer nearly the functionality that PDF Expert boasts. PDF Expert even outperforms many of its paid peer apps, such as Adobe Acrobat Pro, at a significantly lower price. PDF Expert’s extensive library of customizable features and its fluid, simplistic interface make it not only the best but the most painless way to tackle everything from simple changes to complex edits. And best of all, it’s always just a few taps away.
About the Author
Trey Peacock, a partner at Susman Godfrey, has been winning cases based on science and data for over 25 years. He has also chaired the firm's IT committee for over two decades. Learn more about Trey here.