Why it pays for lawyers to keep their word. Today and beyond.
Seth Rosner
We resolve disputes so business owners can focus on growing their companies + We help people get money to rebuild their lives after tragedy | We love to serve our clients and help them get justice.
"I like to be ignored!" said no one ever!
Everyone knows a good attorney comes at a premium price, that should equate to high value services.
But to no surprise, lack of communication is the number one complaint clients have about their hired attorneys.
According to the American Bar Association , the top 5 most common disciplinary complaints filed against lawyers are for:
How many times have you heard people complain about not being able to get in contact with their attorney? After the client pays and hires the attorney to represent them?
Feeling ignored is one of the worse feelings and often leads to feelings of contempt.
Setting communication expectations upfront can help quell a wondering mind. Learning how your clients prefer to communicate, like via calls, text, emails or mailed letters, can increase reception and responsiveness.
#customersatisfaction #law #newyork #bestpractices