Why It Pays to Be The Joker: Thinking Outside the Box at Work

Why It Pays to Be The Joker: Thinking Outside the Box at Work

Why so serious??


No really, why do we take everything so seriously? In this ever-changing landscape, perhaps there’s some room for a little bit of levity and a dash of chaos. Maybe our favorite Batman villain can teach us a thing or two about innovation and creativity in the workplace.


There’s not a single career today that operates the same way it did 10 years ago. If we rely on strictly traditional approaches, we’ll get left behind. We have to challenge the status quo and question traditional approaches. Embrace the chaos, embrace the change, and embrace new ideas. That’s the way we’ll truly succeed.


Batman is good at his job. He nearly?always?catches The Joker. But The Joker doesn’t see it as a failure, it’s simply a new opportunity. He regroups, brainstorms with a few of his most trusted colleagues, and comes up with a new plan of attack … literally! The world is ever in flux, but the one constant can be your willingness to adapt.?


There’s a reason that The Joker has remained a fan-favorite villain through the years: He’s charming! His fashion, his pizzazz and yes, his flair, make a lasting impression. We should all aspire to stand out from the crowd. And that will look different for different people in different fields. It can mean an eye-catching design or a snazzy new suit. Whatever it means to you, just be sure to do it with style.


In Alan Moore’s?The Killing Joke,?The Joker says, “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.” Well, in The Joker’s mind, that’s a wonderful thing! Sometimes, the smallest changes can make the biggest differences. Perhaps you’re one?GOOD?day away from a brilliant new idea. And if you’re open-minded to new ideas and new possibilities, there’s no telling where you could be tomorrow.


What’s the point of it all if it doesn’t make you smile? After all, The Joker simply wants to make Batman laugh! The truth is that humor is an extremely effective tool in any environment. It makes people more comfortable and more creative. Humor itself is about subverting expectations. You can do the very same in your field.

Naturally, The Joker has plenty of advice that we?wouldn’t?recommend. It's essential to find balance. Be thoughtful and intentional, but don’t be afraid to challenge the norms. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to smile.


