Why Pay-For-Post Influencer Marketing is a Bubble, and How to Avoid Getting Caught in the Impending Crash:

Why Pay-For-Post Influencer Marketing is a Bubble, and How to Avoid Getting Caught in the Impending Crash:

This is an article from the future to stop you from making the wrong decisions with marketing for DTC. This solution won’t just save you $, it’ll make you wildly profitable.

When influencer marketing first emerged in the early 2010s, it was one of the best things to invest your money into as a brand. You’re going direct to the audience that you need to reach (no matter how niche) for a minimal amount of $. It was revolutionary.

When dealing with macro-influencers on IG and YouTube, you were reaching the same amount of eyeballs as you would with primetime TV for 1/100th of the cost. The economics were too good to be true. Things started to change for the worse in 2018-2020.

In 2022, prices have caught up directly to what you’d expect from a TV commercial. DTC brands are using VC money to pay influencers up to $500k for a post on IG or YouTube, even if it’s not profitable. This created a domino effect.

I personally know influencers that are making 8 figures a year from sponsorships. Most people wouldn’t be able to turn down a $500k wire transfer for a 2-minute ad on social media. Now, influencers don’t choose their sponsors based on what they love and use.

They choose sponsors based on check size. This means influencers promote crypto pump-and-dumps, products that suck, or they have competing brands on back-to-back ad spots. People are losing trust in influencers for this reason.

The main point of IM is that you can buy the products that your favorite influencers love. Now, the only reason these products are being promoted is because the check had enough zeroes. That’s not a good selling point in the eyes of the audience.

Our method of influencer marketing eliminates this over-inflated price tag, keeps the element of trust, and adds infinitely more value to all parties compared to the pay-for-post model.

With influencer seeding, we create genuine relationships with influencers… Gift them products that we think they’ll love… They post about it (without having to ask)... And we incentivize them to stick with us long-term.

Not only does our influencer seeding strategy ensure you’ll never pay more than your COGS for a shout-out… Your brand also receives quality influencer content to run as an ad. We’ve seen brands with up to a 350% increase in new customer revenue with this exact strategy.

If you’re curious to learn more about how this works, hit me in the DMs and I’ll explain it from top to bottom. I genuinely believe that this strategy is the only way to avoid the influencer marketing crash and grow your brand profitably.

If this resonated at all, there’s plenty more where that came from. Follow me on Twitter @cody_wittick for new threads every week on how to capitalize on influencer marketing as a DTC brand!

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