Testing efforts often lag behind due to scalability issues because of the time it takes to create them and maintain them. As more and more companies incorporate automated test processes, they also need to run manual tests in parallel to provide faster feedback.
By concurrently verifying compatibility of newly developed functions against old ones, parallel testing saves time, increases coverage, and speeds up tests. This means no additional effort is required once the appropriate test scripts have been developed.
Speed Up Your Project Delivery
Parallel testing lets you cover a large number of tests in a small time. More automated tests in less time mean faster generation of data from test results. In this way, parallel testing leads to faster feedback with more data quickly recognise specific areas where the tests can be improved. Ultimately, leading to a more robust & hastened product delivery in the market.
Team communication
With faster tests, improved feedback and quick results, you can bring about a whole new standard of communication within your team. Through parallel testing, you can effortlessly test the developments introduced at an early stage. This way you can provide early inputs to the developers in the development life-cycle allowing them more time & bandwidth to make improvements. Rather than pinching them as the release date draws near.
Cheaper overall cost
If parallel testing is performed on the cloud, the overall expense of carrying out concurrent tests on the cloud server is much less than the development or maintenance of your own testing machines or infrastructure. Since such parallel testing is accompanied by advantages of cloud-based testing, you get undisturbed availability and up-to-date practices.
Cross Browser Testing Made Easy
Cross browser testing is a practice of checking the compatibility of a web application across a variety of browsers, running on different OS, supported by different devices. With parallel testing, you can perform the same test across a huge number of browsers concurrently. There are usually so many test cases to be run, that using sequential testing, you either compromise in terms of time or the number of browsers covered. Parallel testing considerably reduces the time taken, letting you cover the same test cases in all kinds of browsers without taking any extra time.
And, did I mention? Time!
With parallel testing, the time it takes to complete the full test suite is shorter because tests are run simultaneously. For mobile, enterprise mobility teams will want to run the same tests on many different combinations of devices for the greatest efficiency. Using parallel testing, testers and quality assurance can run one test against several devices at one time.
Here is an example of how this would work.
Consider an enterprise mobility team that has to run 100 tests, on an iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, and an Android Tablet. Or in other words, 100 tests need to be run against four OS/device combinations. On average, running each test takes around three minutes.
Without parallel testing, it takes the team 20 hours to run all 100 tests, one at a time across the four devices. By implementing parallel testing, the team can run 25 tests in parallel which reduces the time it takes to run the whole test suite to 48 minutes
Here's a Live Case Study - https://www.browserstack.com/case-study/logikcull (where test time was reduced by 73%)
Content Sources: Mobilelabs, Medium, BrowserStack