On May 11, 1998, India test fired 3 nuclear devices. Two days later on 13 May two more sub-kiloton nuclear devices were detonated, underground. US were deeply disappointed, Britain voiced its concern and Germany called the tests a slap in the face of the countries that had signed the comprehensive test ban treaty(CTBT). Pakistan felt most uneasy, hinting that they would consider conducting a nuclear test of their own. Despite US and other nation’s efforts (offering large amount of aids /grant) to forbid us, ....on May 28, 1998, Pakistan detonated 5 nuclear devices in the Ras Koh Hills in Chagai District, Balochistan. It was purported to be the best choice for our Sovereignty, Solidarity and Regional Balance of Power. It fetched us Nuclear Deterrence but at what cost? The cost was the ensuing political disorder, loss of corporate culture and persistent decline in our moral/social ethics besides an unprecedented apathetic behavior of individuals who really matter, brief mention of the plight is as follows :-

1.  People. The entire Pakistani Nation affirmed voluntarily that they would prefer to “Eat Grass” and chanted slogans for instant Bangs in reply to Indian Binge. Pakistan irrespective of any pressure did so. Instead of eating grass people exhibited lunacy in vast proportion. Which was further augmented by rejection of any attempt for transformation through the age of accelerating technology, resulting into total absence of futuristic vision from our hindsight? Before the year 2000 our elders behaved like elders. Men behaved like men and women as women. The white collar crimes and civilized corruption (e.g. service charges, % of commission and rigging in elections) were not so rampant in the society. From 2000 onwards we gradually became stone hearted & started celebrating “Cold War Victory”. Gradually our mental amusement transgressed into showbiz/ecstasy fervor and immoral debauchery. Dubai & London obsessed our lives extensively. From August 2010 onwards we almost lost every bit of merit-able concern to the Syndrome called MUNNI BADNAM HUI / TERE MAST MAST DO NEN /CHANO KI ANKH ME IK NASHA HE. Good news is that despite all that our total population could not exceed 13.3 Billion in 1998.

2. CLergy. Remained very vibrant in Afghanistan for more than 12 years, during that period behaved very irresponsibly in an emerging innovative world, took insignificant part as spiritual leaders in reforming people as motivated society.Most of them grabbed power of followers and constructed big mosques and created property, trusts & mudrassas. Some became politicians and knocked hell out of people in NA/ Senate. MFR has gathered large radicalist supporters who seemed apparently against democratic norms, FATA reforms and women liberty.Always went against US and called every failure a SEHUNI (Jews) Taghooti (Satanic/Capitalist ) or Kuffar (Infidels) /Mushrik (non believers) Conspiracy. Made lot of money in Islamic Banking Policy /Fatwa etc,etc. Played insignificant role on media except shouting and threatening.Played limited role in Kashmir cause.Remained deadly against Imran Khan & establishment .Mostly supported PPP and PMLN? Had no love lost for Afghanistan and drowning OBL?Proved to be good bargainers and negotiators for ownself ?Believed to have created hatred for themselves in the hearts of most of learned people/general public.Their best played role remained that, they refrained from extreme responses & stern agitations in public / politics and helped in curbing sectarian violence in Pakistan and abroad.

3.  Politician. Absence of youth and mostly females from public candidature /electorate made male politicians highly inflexible, hypocrite and egocentric causing Democratic Process swerving into hiccups, intermittently. Typical non-prevalence of literacy, wisdom, vision and values made most of the politicians barbaric, authoritative, peevish and highly crafty. They loved to thrive on Property, Transport, Sugar Mills, Goods Forwarding, Drugs, Pharmacy, Stocks, Currency, Power Generation and OIL/Gas Businesses. Sprouting Media, Deferential Judiciary and Seasoned Bureaucracy served their masters all the best? They mostly remained haunted by Pak Army role in nation building?

4.  Media. Introduction of Media Liberty (by Gen.Musharraf Govt.) happened to be the most revolutionary step, which housed the chronic Gurus of Newspapers in TV studios; consequently almost all of them adopted “TIM SEBASTIAN” style of interviewing celebrities and cornering them to exposure or Blackmailing. With the passage of time they became more venomous thus resorting to the use of microphones and hidden cameras, covertly. It was a real surprise?With that hitech they mostly focused upon magical tool of Bullying , Extortion,Inducement and Intimidation against tricky spin masters usually in favour of feudals, and other influentials, as such they kept dwelling upon wanting veneration for offering Pseudo Journalism or “Lifafa Sahafat” from anyone who needed it.This trend abruptly became more appalling than ever before. Consequently,media houses became dominating 4th pillar of state.

5.  Leadership. Maintaining Chain of Hierarchy at all cost was the Dictum of the Leadership? Media, Bureaucrats and Judiciary too started moving anticlockwise in support of their pay masters.Three heavyweight /determinants of Foreign Policy of Pakistan kept dominating the elites /intelligentsia with their short sighted vision of "Nations' Survival" through Jingoism (eating grass dogma) specifically on matters pertaining to Afghanistan, Kashmir, Internal Security,Govt. and Foreign Policy. The scenario kept people mesmerized by following centers of par excellence :-

1)   Gen Gul Hamid (Mastermind of Mujahidin /Taliban & OBL glorification, with his "Pakistan's Strategic Depth" lies in Western Border" Doctrine)

2)   Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for his "Islamic Bomb Concept".

3)    Mian Nawaz Sharif with his "Hierarchical Dictatorship".

6.  Foreign Policy .Went very wretched for Kashmir,Afghanistan,Palestine, Iran and Russia though for a short period of time we won the support of Muslim Ummah (hoping for nuclear technology gimmicks) Meanwhile, we lost trust of rest of the world. Status quo prevailed on Kashmir which kept hanging on a cliff. The “Foreign Affairs” became highly domesticated as the civil regime prolonged. Though we inherited the largest success in Afghanistan (Disintegration of USSR), but we lost those gains cheaply at the same place. Our Strategic Depth Doctrine turned into appalling threat of terrorism from western border. Our Nuclear Jingoism caused dissension from Developed Nations /Big Forums & made us lose support of NAM, Commonwealth, WTO, SAARC, ASIAN, OIC, EU, USA, Russia, Iran, KSA & China etc,etc, considerably. Consequently World’s Emerging Economies joined hands with India. In the meantime Dubai, Emirates & London surfaced as "Safe Havens" for money launderers & other manipulators (mostly Pakistanis).

7.    Aforesaid in view one may say that on one hand our earlier past was marked by recurring failures, on the other hand our recent past was not flourishing at all?. It may also be asked as to why collapse of societies always occurs through a historical passage(i.e. one gets bankrupt slowly in the beginning & then all of a sudden falls apart, helplessly) Does the rise and fall of historic civilizations match /resemble our own fiasco (Pakistan )? Let us have an overview of the past 20 years chronological events briefly:-

  • 4 June 1998:UN Security Council deny nuclear power status to Pakistan and India. 21 February 1999 Lahore Declaration is signed by Nawaz Sharif and A. B. Vajpayee. 26: July 1999 Kargil War ends between Pakistan and India.12 October 1999: Nawaz Sharif is ousted from power and placed under house arrest after attempting to sack General Pervez Musharraf.06 April 2000. Nawaz Sharif sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of hijacking and terrorism. 15 July 2001 Agra Summit starts. President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee holds talks over long-standing issues. On 30 April 2002:Daniel Pearl got killed in Karachi . November 23: Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali sworn in as Prime Minister.
  • 5 January 2004: Musharraf meets Vajpayee in Islamabad, discusses Kashmir dispute. June 26: Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali steps down and nominates Ch. Shujaat Hussain as his interim successor. August 28: Shaukat Aziz becomes Prime Minister 26: Akbar Bugti is killed; his hide-out cave collapsed and killed everyone inside, including Pakistan Army soldiers that had come there for negotiation and talks with Akbar Bugti.
  • July 20: Ch. Ifttikhar restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan. October 18: Benazir Bhutto, returned to Pakistan. November 25: Nawaz Sharif returned to Pakistan. December 27: Benazir Bhutto got assassinated in a blast in Rawalpindi. 18 February 2008: Elections are held amidst tight security. PPP, PML-N, PML-Q and ANP win 124, 91, 54 and 13 seats respectively. March 24: Yusuf Raza Gilani is elected as the new Prime Minister. August 18: Pervaiz Musharraf steps down as President of Pakistan. September 9: Asif Zardari takes oath as President of Pakistan.
  • 23 May to15 July 2009: Pakistan Army launched Operation Rah-e-Rast and cleared Swat Valley of all Taliban elements. It is regarded as one of the most successful counter-insurgency operation in modern age.10 April 2110: Pakistan adopts the 18th amendment to the Constitution, stripping President Asif Ali Zardari of key powers.
  • 4January 2011: Salmaan Taseer, the Governor of Punjab, is shot dead by one of his bodyguards in Islamabad .Soon after A US diplomat, Raymond Davis, kills two men on a motorbike in Lahore allegedly in self-defense. May 2: The US Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden in the city of Abbotabad. November 26: A NATO attack on two Pakistani border checkposts at Salala  .22 January 2012 Raja Pervaiz Ashraf is elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan, following the disqualification of Yousaf Raza Gillani over a contempt of court conviction by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
  • 25 March 2013: Mir Hazar Khan Khoso is appointed as caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan, following the completion of the PPP-led government's term in office. May 11: General Elections 2013 held across Pakistan. June 5: Nawaz Sharif is elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan, following the Pakistan Muslim League (N)'s victory in the 2013 general elections for the 3rd time. July 30: Mamnoon Hussain is elected as the 12th President of Pakistan in 2013 Presidential Elections held . November 1: Hakimullah Mehsud, leader of (TTP) killed by a US drone attack. November 29: Pakistan Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani retires. General Raheel Sharif becomes the next COAS.
  • 30 .April 2014 to.August: The process of Long March and Sit-In started by PTI and PAT. December 16: Taliban gunmen storm a military-run Army Public Schools massacre in Peshawar, killing at least 141, including 132 children and nine employees, during the rescue operation most of five hundred students were evacuated. The shooting ends with all seven gunmen dead.18 January 2016: Former president Pervez Musharraf was acquitted in the murder trial of Akbar Bugti, the Baloch tribal leader.on 29 November 2016.Gen Raheel Sharif retired as Chief of Army Staff (Pakistan) and Gen Qamar Bajwa took over as next COAS.On 18 June 2017: Pakistan wins 2017 ICC Champions Trophy defeating India in the finals..July 28:A unanimous verdict by the Supreme Court of Pakistan disqualifies Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from his office, over the controversy of him and some of his family members names being in the Panama Papers, thus leading to his disqualification for lifetime . August 1: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is sworn in as Prime Minister, succeeding Nawaz Sharif
  • 6 July 2018 - Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law Safdar Awan were given prison sentences of 10, 7 and 1 years, respectfully on controversial corruption charges. 10 July - 25 July 2018 Pakistani general elections were held, PTI won the Elections 2018. On 17 August -PTI leader Imran Khan took oath as Prime Minister of Islamic republic of Pakistan. On 7 November 2018, Asia Bibi was released from the New Jail for Women in Multan.She was a Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy charges after eight years on death row, the event prompted violent protests by radicalist?.On Nov 23, 2018 Pakistani Police repelled an armed attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi, followed by a suicidal blast. All terrorist shot dead Police suffering two casualties. 

8.    Inference . Ever since Z. A. Bhutto Regime the Pakistani Nation pledged “Eating Grass” more than 6 times, yet “nobody was ready to eat grass ever, so as to say none had any love lost for the Country. History bears the testimony .irrespective of consequences we naively lost 20 years in celebrations of Personal Joy / Nation Victory in Sports and Electioneering Fanfare. In quintessence an average Pakistani got immensely polluted, indifferent and highly greedy. What really worrying was that we had tried everything? More than 11 times change of PM, over 9 times change of Presidents, witnessed more than 7 Elections, tolerated regimes of all main Political Parties, & one Military Ruler, experienced one major conflict (Kargil) and participated in about 6 episodes of bilateral talks with India. What a tragedy nothing changed? Matters rather worsened. Barring Gen. Musharraf Tenure, in the remaining period people behaviors crossed the threshold of arrogance. They openly started voting for their failed old masters? Consequently the Industrial Sector (already put in tattered by ZA Bhutto Nationalization Move ) went almost dead i.e. overcoming Energy Shortfall, suffering Increasing Circular Debt, and International Loans crossing "Red Alert" level. Civil Leadership turned highly rude & insincere to the masses.Supreme Court most corrupt Chief Justice Chaudhry Iftikhar became unruly and occupied /patronized all sources of evil spread. In brief instead of maturity we even lost remaining sense of proportion. In the meantime the world transformed from Analogue to Digital Technology. Incidentally two events emerged as Game Changer,

1). Soon after Pulwama episode we shot down two Indian Aircraft.

2). On 5th August 2019 Indian PM abrogated 2 Article of the Indian Constitution on Kashmir,

unilaterally, which made entire Pakistani Nation as astringent as never before.

9.    Regime Change. The Nation entered 2019 with the News of Transformation “TABDILI”. Current state of affairs showing progress or regression is as follows :-

  • People. Though the regime changed but unfortunately today amongst the people of Pakistan there is hardly anyone who seems willing to proclaim or say even “Eating of Grass for Nation Building” except Pakistan Army and the top Leadership? On the contrary most of us are opting for first use of Nukes and total War with India. Regrettably, we still are stupor blindly ignorant of any "Futuristic Vision". The noticeable difference with the past 20 years could be that, the craze of “Munni Badnam Hui” has disappeared since our showbiz industry excelled in the production of “Local Barbie Dolls”. What really grew like mushroom is our population it moved from 13.4 Billion to 23 Billion, resultantly the entire Nation looks like underprivileged despondents?. Common man is still confused, he lost trust in everything less his dogmas, but fastly discarding his old pay masters (PMLN).Majority of Pakistani Nation still think that old times were better (carefree life enriched with irresponsibility).Unfortunately those who were / are affluent & powerful they seldom inspire poor masses for Nation Building?  
  • Politician. Got a bit scared of accountability initially, but have not stopped hatching conspiracies and creating media stunt with “Making Mountain of Molehill”. No apparent change seen in their hypocritic and egocentric behavior. Almost all of them badly desire the Clipping Wings or “Amputation” of PM Imran Khan’s Govt. by any means, so much so that they are ready to accept imposition of emergency & going to war with India or at best/least praying for Army take over? Wherever, there is slight opportunity most of the politicians betray their leadership, unquestionably? What a great “Forward Looking" Country have we become? where have we dropped Jinnah's Pakistan ? why lack of adherence of his Motto, "Unity.Faith,Discipline became the significant causes of our failure, isn't it?
  • Clergy. Most of them are playing hardly any direct / indirect any significant progressional role in 21st Century's Smart Nation Building .Almost all of them lost elections and most of them turned even more hostile against PM Imran Khan and establishment? MFR arrogantly refused to accept elections result, PTI, Govt. and remains committed in airing all sort of propaganda against the State Organs.More than 8 times he gave call for all parties Million March in one years or so but, but failed enmassing favourable support, at the same time he threatened Judiciary ,NAB and FBR of dire consequences in case they called him for inquiry of misconduct charges? Chances of improvement of this group lie in the hands of ULEMA -E DEOBAND,in shape of any fatwa (Ijtihad) etc,etc.? Dr. Allama Tahir-ul Qadri looks to be reasonable scholars among the 21st century religious cum political clergies. At times supposedly he too behaves irresponsibly?Despite all that Clergy are playing great role in curbing sectarian violence and extremism globally. Yet they still keep grudging Israel and US against their apparently anti-Muslims attitude. PM Imran Khan Govt. has taken lot of welfare measures for religious graduates to enable them to get some respectable employment in future besides improving their scholarly vision, so as to be compatible with changing social milieu, contributing positively towards peaceful environment, interreligious harmony and showing more tolerance as true Muslims. PTI calls it Riasat-e Maina Culture?
  • Media. These people are viciously greedy and mentally a bit retarded due to lack of awareness,better education,family background and orthodox mindset which turned them blind towards Environmental, Economical and Technological Changes (still happy in WADERA, TAWA, POCHA / PHOOL JHARU, AWAMi and GANDASA CULTURE ) i.e having highly compromised attitude.Most of them habitually speak against the current regime, for obvious reasons (least earning /less kick back). Maximum Journalists are still very vindictive, who love bargaining & indulging in rumor mongering .Almost all of them resort to Yellow Journalism, since it appears to be the best and privileged amusement of the politicians , innocents & uncouths ?
  • Leadership. Chain of political hierarchy has been broken, more female and youth entered in the politics. The orthodox politicians and other hard nuts are getting cracked automatically. Current Leadership seems introducing some practical and corrective reforms in Politics,Legislation and Governance. The new team is more flexible ( U-Turn Type) , they have literally improved economy ,internal security situation (85 % control over Terrorism) and heading for better Institutional /Constitutional Reforms besides, they also intend ensuring 100 % control over Sponsored / supposedly Institutionalized Terrorism?
  • Foreign Policy .Foreign Office people are having all stakeholders on board, they have been successful in winning World Opinion in their favour i.e. from Muslim Countries , , Regional Powers , Big Five,“Great Twenty” & International Forums. Chronic Status quo on Kashmir now stands dissolved into more mature, optimistic and better diplomatic overtures.Indeed a remarkable performance.
  • Emergence of New Political Milieu. Brief mention of few (adjusted) political & reawakening trends is as under:-
  • ? PML(N).Strange enough! unlike past their "Men" are behaving like women and women are behaving like men, they take refuge in social media through the glorification of PMLN past performance, slogan of sham democracy against current Govt., PTI inept Cabinet, Incompetent Establishment (patronised by KHALAI MAKHLOOQ etc,etc.) unfair role in General Elections and Innocence of their (PMLN) Corrupt Leadership ?
  • ? PPP. Their men are not behaving usual, women are behaving like girls and girls are behaving like adults?
  • ? PTI. Everyone is behaving like soldiers with weapons but without ammunition,yet showing immense resilience,gradually signs of success have started appearing .
  • ? MQM. Women have disappeared from the scene.Men are androgynous. They act like male/ female as per the situation?
  • ? JUI. Hostile men are trying to make fortune without women (Resignation of PM /Million March etc,etc are their old slogans?

10.  Measures of Resilience. Nuclear capable nations do not commit blunders , they invariably raise their stature befitting their Military Might /Potentials of Deterrence , padded with strong economy, technology and literacy drives. We somehow failed on those fronts to the extent that we found no one to tell us we are humans? Nonetheless, there is no reason that we should not have lot of hopes for the better future,brief as under:-

1).We are still very much energetic, though the “Future Shock” has jolted us from head to toe!.

2).God Almighty has bestowed upon us very healthy youth indeed,(63 %of total population).

3). Allah has been very kind to us, HE always protected us from “Religious Turn Down / ZAWAL”.

4).Our geostrategic location on earth is exceptionally unique. We are located at the gateway of the International access to huge consumer market in CAS /SA.

5) Our land is enriched with immense untapped natural resources (from minerals like gypsum to gold and platinum).

6).Current breakup of hierarchical circles in politics is a great change for the democratic future of Pakistani People.

7). We have one of the most professional Army,today they have constitutional "Say" in the Nation Building i.e. resolution of internal and external affairs.

8). We are gradually succeeding in having expectantly reformed establishment.

9). Realigned /reformed Foreign Policy amid current Kashmir Crisis, might weaken our adversary,s sinister ambitions and may compel them to liberate Kashmir by design (which even otherwise is highly unmanageable economically) and let us have some chance to enjoy fast emerging / developing Nation Status in the middle future (next 1-3 years), that is the time jump we need to mitigate risk of our 1). Internal Instability,2). Resolution of Afghan Crisis, 3). Melting Iran Standoff and 4).be able to make up for Pakistan's Economic Shortfall.

11. Aforesaid in view, what is urgently desired is that :- 

  • We must eliminate our biggest worries first? Remember be pragmatic and discard few rumors and have nots? e.g. let us stop talking about Oil /Energy Crisis, Water Shortage and War Mongering , these are pessimistic and redundant tools of Future Success. Believe me I am serious. Till the time heaven's does not fall, leave these subject to the Govt.
  • We need to forget the past and make our best endeavors to reinforce democracy and strengthen the leadership. Grasping all is losing all? People must be made conscious of the tough choices and confronted hazards. (if need be discipline may be enforced for a short period, Govt, may go ahead, now. Sincerely speaking need not to bother about opposition ,they are ready to shoot PM Imran Khan's Govt down, even if they get an offer of mountain of gold )?
  • People have recently availed amnesty and saved 95 % of unaccounted for money. Those who are affluent, must pay taxes, get out of self-destruction mode and start circulating money in multiple investment schemes /growing industry and other smart businesses to create jobs for the unemployed 63 % youth, particularly in Agriculture,Manufacturing and Services Sector.  
  • Kashmir Policy should remain cornerstone of our Foreign Policy but the solution lies in Successful Diplomacy.
  • It is high time for Media, Politicians, Bureaucracy, Civil Admin, Judiciary, Legislation, Executives ,Educationist, Health Providers, Lawyers, Property Agents, Banks, Transporters, Customs, Power/ Energy Sector, PIA, Railway and other Sectors /Industries to switch on to wisdom seeking , rejecting Media Manipulation & avoid discouraging people.Nation expectations of according first hand cooperation to Law Enforcing Agencies must be fulfilled.
  • Do not rely on fossil fuel based industry, opt for latest technological innovations. People must start learning 21st century, user friendly computer /mobile applications before handing over the reigns / helm of affairs to younger generation? (elders should transform slowly, youth promptly and children gradually, you only need aptitude /strong will to Change , not much of education is required for this purpose)
  • Parents must take care of their children education. Do not waste resources, time and money in pursuit of “Status Symbol” (O/ A levels standing) go for skill oriented quality education of 4th Generation through Distant Learning, almost free of cost? If Academia do not improve and still show helplessness in coming out of “Gutter” (i.e. not imparting 21st Century Education), stop sending your children to Schools? Be determined, do not be under confident. Blaming Teachers / Govts’ Education Policies is no more a relevant option? Parents are also required to stop producing dandy matriculates (i.e. Mr. Useless for the Future).
  • Army must keep sacrificing against evils, do also keep pointing out weaknesses in the “National Grid” and help the Judiciary / System of Governance in nailing down the defaulters/ miscreants?
  • All MNA/MPA/Senator should stop propagating against the Govt. / PM, Cabinet and Establishment. In future they must not be allowed to contest elections more than thrice (so as to discourage Business of Sham Democracy).
  • Rs. 5000/- currency note should be changed as early as possible.This will pay immediate dividend besides, creating worthwhile deterrence for the mafias?

12. Please not to let the Lutera , wadera and Sarmaya Dar culture back in Pakistan.Imran Khan is a very sincere Muslim World Level Statesman, who would prevail soon? Not to support Maulana type Jadogar?

Sifat Nabi

Head of Security at Mehran Sugar Mills Limited

1 年

If you have a chief security officer, I would like to remember you

Sifat Nabi

Head of Security at Mehran Sugar Mills Limited

1 年

Thank you for remembering me if Mr. Security officer has a post up

Sitaram Ramdam

Security Officer at Atos

2 年

I am persanal badly guat interested sir

Col (R) Hassan Yousuf

Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management

5 年

thanks sir


Informative article.



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