Why pakistan is supporting Taliban regime?
The withdrawal of US troops on 31st august has caused very serious threats for the world and made a some what stable asia into the place where the future of world could be determined. in future the peace in afghanitan would mean peace in asia and the peace in asia is directly linked to the peace in the world .Its mainly because of the victory of taliban in afghanistan would fuel other terror groups in syria,yemen,iraq to get greedy for the power in the country and spread their radicalism all over the world .
When India scraped airticle 370 and 35A all the terror groups and neighbouring country pakistan was rattled and begain to spread misinformation all over world that the india government was trying to suppress the Muslim community in the Jammu and kashmir state even though the intention of the government was to stop terror groups to carry out attacks in the region and for Pakistan it would get very difficult to send their proxy groups into india to carry out attacks against india.
Pakistan is also very obsessed with jammu and kashmir and was trying to accumulate the world leaders to stand against india and tried each and every move it could do to down grade in india infront of the wolrd but got only humiliation in front of world.So pakistan helped its long time proxy to capture kabul . This would make pakistan to attack India through taliban.
Since Pakistan is world's terror exporter in 2018 The Financial Action Task Force based out in Paris has listed pakistan in its grey list which is one step closer to the balck list which would stop foreign investments into the country . This was a major blow to the pakistan as it was already facing a major economic slow down and the inflition rate was at its all time high. Even in present day the pakistan economy is in brink of collapse.Pakistan is desperate to build its economy which is possible if foreign investments countinue to flow into the country .To get out of the grey list pakistan has to stop supporting the terror groups based out in pakistan which pakistan was never willing to do it in past .
So after the fall of kabul in Afghanistan in which pakistan has palyed a crucial role by supporting the taliban group cowardly .pakistan can now shift all their terror camps in pakistan into afghanistan which will make them to come out of grey list and improve their economy.And pakistan can also use taliban to capture jammu and kashmir which is the only goal of pakistan .So pakistan was the first country to recognise the taliban government and appealing the world to recognise the talliban government.