Why Pain in One Place May Signal Injury in Another

Why Pain in One Place May Signal Injury in Another

I have patients come to me all the time seeking relief. They might have pain in their shoulder or foot, but my first reaction isn’t to focus on that area alone. I believe in finding the source of pain or injury, before deciding on a treatment plan. Surprisingly, the source is very rarely in the same area as the pain or injury.


Surgery as a Quick Fix. Many orthopaedic specialists are quick to prescribe surgery as the solution to a patient’s pain. The problem with this approach is that even with a great surgeon and an ideal recovery, pain or recurring injuries can continue if the root of the issue is not addressed properly.


The Long Way. Though it may take more time and effort than simply scheduling a date for surgery, I believe in treating a patient with conservative care methods first. I use Autonomic Motor Nerve Reflex Testing (AMNRT) on each of my patients to trace an injury back to its source. This method is more beneficial in the long run than going straight for the operating table.


New Discoveries. When tracing a patient’s pain or injury back to the source, I often find other issues that affect a patient’s daily life. For example, a young boy once came to me complaining of knee pain, and I found the source of the pain was in his lower back. Upon further investigation, I found that the lower back problems were a result of obstructed breathing.


In many cases, searching for the source reveals other issues that need to be addressed. While some may see this as searching for trouble, I see it as doing due diligence. The more areas we correct and strengthen, the more tools we have to stay healthy and feel great!


What’s the Connection? When we learn about the anatomy of the body in school, it is taught as a complex machine. There are many working parts, but all of them are seen as separate. We are taught about the different systems in the body individually. You learn the names of muscles and the names of bones but not necessarily their connection to each other.


The truth is that every part of your body is connected and has an effect on other areas of the body, even parts that seem separate or irrelevant. The human body is endlessly complex, and we are still figuring out how these connections work.


I’m grateful to be able to bring even a small part of this knowledge to my patients, helping them nurture those connections rather than fight them. When you know more about how your different parts interact with one another, you can better listen to your body and heal it over time.


A Conservative Cure. By exploring the connections within the body instead of rushing into surgery, we can save ourselves recovery time, money, and future pain or injuries. Once a man came to me with pain in his right shoulder after sliding into home base during a baseball game.


He was expecting that he’d need shoulder surgery, but after a quick manipulation of his ribs, his pain disappeared. This is a pattern I see all the time. Imagine the number of surgeries that have been performed without ever considering these connections.


My Promise to Patients. The next time you have a pain in your shoulder or in your knee or anywhere else for that matter, come see me. I promise to seek out the source of your injury thoroughly with a conservative approach before ever recommending an invasive procedure.


I TOTALLY agree but it's (& this isn't a joke)not always 2 do with being unbalanced, nose strips r great 4 certain things w/breathing, heart etc. It's frustrating not knowing WHY something hurts & you've done EVERY test in the world!!!



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