Why Overachievers Self Destruct - Subroto Bagchi
This is a brief call out on a great article by Subroto Bagchi. It can be found here.
Ordinary people need an external enemy. An overachiever is his own Best Friend and his Worst Enemy. Eg: Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, Satyam Computers.
2 sides of coin that face overachievers: Immense possibilities & Self destruction. Only the Self aware are able to balance.
Self destruction does not take a lifetime or hours, mostly just a moment of indiscretion.
Overachievers do not face Hurdles rather they have Distractions
Sympathetic supporters excuse it as a moment of discretion, but it is a dangerous Deflection. Deflection (as a mental model) is looking for an external reason. No one calls them on it. They excuse themselves saying what they do for others outweighs / justifies their behaviour.
How can we save ourselves from the danger that is lurking within us?
Life asks for mastery over the self. That mastery is granted in small and slow measures to those who practice humility. Humility reduces the noises in the head and silences us. In that silence we listen better, we are able to see, hear, taste, smell and touch what can be potentially toxic.
Overachievers that run the course are conscious to disassociate themselves from their personal success. They tell you that they were lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Sustained overachievers take their success as a responsibility; as a burden, not an entitlement. Therein lies the capacity to keep the feet firm on the ground even as the eyes are set on the peak.