Why are our kids so unhappy?
So the happiness scores are out. The U.S. ranked 23rd in a field of 143 countries, the first time since the report began publishing in 2012 that the U.S. was not among the top 20 countries. But here’s the kicker: Our children and young people drove the decline.
People under age 30 in the U.S. ranked 62nd in happiness, behind countries including Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador and Saudi Arabia.
Why are our children so unhappy? Let us count the ways:
What can we do about it?
Several specific measures would help ease our children’s crisis. Passing the improved Child Tax Credit, establishing a child poverty reduction target, reversing the child mortality crisis, and making sure children have enough to eat all come to mind.
But to truly secure the health and future of our children, U.S. lawmakers and leaders must fundamentally shift their approach and must put children at the center of all federal policy and budget decisions.
In short, Congress must stop acting like what they do today has no impact on the America of tomorrow.