Julius Afolabi
Results Architect |Premium Business Coach l Value Improvement Strategist I Founder, Value Improvement Academy
Premium Pay is NOT for a FEW, You Qualify only if Know WHY!
Ever wondered why some people command premium fees while others struggle to get paid what they’re worth?
Let me show you.
Imagine you walk into a seafood market.
There’s a bucket of tilapia selling for cheap, five for a price that doesn’t even make you think twice.
A few steps away, there’s a shark fin on display, locked behind glass, selling for thousands of dollars.
Same ocean. Different worth.
Here’s the truth: A shark is not a tilapia.
Guess What is The problem? You’ve been selling yourself like tilapia.
Nobody is paying you for your process—they are paying you for their progress.
Yet, most people structure their offers around hours, modules, and worksheets… hoping the sheer volume of content will justify their pricing.
That’s why some people charge $500 for a course and others charge $50,000 for a shift.
Which side do you want to be on?
Take Bisilola Ajala, for example. She was a teacher drowning in debt when she came to me. She thought the only way to make more money was to work harder and teach more hours. But I showed her how to package her expertise for premium transformation, and today she runs an online teaching business that earns her a six-figure monthly income, without trading endless hours for little pay.
Now, it’s your turn.
In the March edition of Designing Your Own Economy, I’ll be showing you how to:
? Escape the cycle of underpricing and overworking
? Shift from selling time to Selling Transformation
? Package your expertise in a way that Premium Clients happily PAY for
? Build a Stress-free Income Model (SIM) that thrives in any economy
If you’re done with the hustle of underpricing and overworking, this is your chance to shift.
DM me "DESIGN" and I’ll send you the details.
Julius Afolabi
#DesignYourOwnEconomy #SellResultsNotTime #PremiumTransformation