Why other recruiters are using the LiberiaHRJobs.com rather than Newspaper?
Why other recruiters are using the LiberiaHRJobs.com rather than Newspaper?
The Disadvantages
Fewer People Are Reading Newspapers
While the gap between print and online newspaper readers is not much cause for alarm (yet), the internet is quickly becoming the go-to place for publications and current affairs among young adults. It is simply a cheaper (read: free) alternative to staying up to date on what is going on in the world, while it also provides easier and direct access to the latest information as it happens.This gradual move to online news also means that fewer and fewer people are relying on the classifieds section of their local newspaper to search for jobs, and the response rate is much lower. It is simply easier for jobseekers to apply for vacancies online than often having to browse through hundreds of ads in a newspaper before finding something even remotely interesting or related to their field.
The Publishing Process Can Be Slow
It all begins by contacting the newspaper you want your advert to appear in and then consulting with them about the details (location, price, formatting, etc). You will often have to book your ad about a week before the newspaper goes to print and there are deadlines you need to meet for sending your copy and graphics and approving the final product. Miss any of these deadlines and you might have to wait till the next issue to run your ad – and this can be detrimental if you need to hire a staff quickly.
Moreover, once your ad is finally published, there is no way of correcting any mistakes (like a wrong text or email address, for example). You will have to wait until the next issue to make any urgent modifications or corrections, unlike online ads at the Liberia HR Jobs Board which you can edit at any time, and this means potentially missing out on top talent.
It Limits the Scope of Applicants
Posting a job in a newspaper means you are limiting the scope of applicants to a specific town or city and the area immediately surrounding it. For example, let us say your organization is based in Monrovia and you are looking to hire a project manager from any locations in Liberia, and you place an ad in the local newspaper. For the sake of the example, this would be the Montserrado County, Monrovia, which is limited to people living in the Montserrado area.This means that you could potentially miss out on hiring a better skilled and qualified Project manager who lives somewhere else in the country and is willing to relocate for the job. Worse still, you might not even fill the position, full stop.
And while you could post an ad in several newspapers in neighbouring counties, it would cost a fortune. Advertising online at the Liberia HR Jobs Board: https://liberiahrjobs.com, on the other hand, can save your organization recruitment cost in the long-run while it can also elicit responses from all over the country – and even abroad.
You Can Only Say So Much in an Ad
Most newspaper ads have a limit of 30-50 words or so, and you will be charged extra for anything over that. For smaller companies who have to stick to a strict budget, this can be impractical as they’re forced to cram the most basic information into a few short sentences, like so:
Wanted: Project Manager in Liberia with 5 years’ experience. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Send CV and cover letter to [email protected].
The problem with this kind of ad is that it offers no real value to prospective applicants. It tells jobseekers nothing about the role, what it entails or what skills and qualifications are required. Also, considering how company culture is increasingly becoming important to jobseekers (mainly Millennials, who are set to make up 75 per cent of the global workforce by 2025), it’s important that the ad oozes ‘personality’, something this particular example fails to do. This, combined with the tiny print size, makes it easy for jobseekers to overlook – or downright ignore – your ad.
Thanks for Reading!
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